Veils And Bants. [Jachlan]

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Requester: The ever so lovely, RoyalCloudPotato
Prompt:  Your OTP is in a room with thin, see through curtains. Person A goes to one and puts it over their faces and says, "It's like a wedding veil!" Person B lifts up the curtain and kisses them.
Ship: Jachlan
Genre: Fluff
Warnings/Notes: This is my part in mine and Em's little one shot exchange. I hope you enjoy, Em. And I hope everyone else enjoys this cute little thing too!
Lachlan grunted as he cleaned their room, frowning a bit. It was taking much longer then he thought it would. Jay forced him to clean the room, because Jay was busy editing a video. He's lucky Lachlan loved him so much, or else he wouldn't have agreed to clean their room alone. He smiled a bit as he heard footsteps, turning around and smiling widely as he saw Jay. Jay smiled tiredly at him, wearing pj pants and one of Lachlan's shirts. "Still not finished?" Jay teased and Lachlan groaned, glaring playfully. "Shut up." He said and put away some clothes.

Jay giggled and sat on the edge of the bed, watching Lachlan clean. They have been dating for two years now, having moved in together a few months back. Jay still went to college, plus did YouTube. Lachlan tried his best to help Jay with both of those things. It worked out well. The fans took their relationship well, as did their friends. They were happy together. The only thing Jay hated about their relationship, was the height difference. Lachlan stood at about 6'2, while Jay was only 5'7. He hated being the shorter one. Though Lachlan was taller, he was the least mature one. Obviously.

Jay watched as Lachlan put away the rest of the clothes, stretching a bit and letting out a quiet groan. He was thankful Lachlan didn't make him do all the work, because he already had so much to do with YouTube and school. Lachlan did most of the housework. Jay did most of the cooking, because Lachlan wasn't the best at it. However, Lachlan tried his best sometimes. Jay always loved it, no matter if it was burnt or not. He never wanted to make Lachlan feel bad, ever. He knew how sensitive Lachlan really was, and Lachlan knew what really got to Jay. They knew each other perfectly.

Lachlan moved over to the curtains, which were white and see through. He put it over his face and Jay stared at him, a confused look on his face. "It's like a wedding veil!" Lachlan exclaimed with a wide smile, his eyes twinkling in excitement. Jay couldn't help but smile at him, his heart melting at the cuteness. He pushed himself up off of the bed, walking over to Lachlan. He lifted up the curtain and rested it on Lachlan's head. Lachlan laughed a bit and Jay leaned up, standing on his tip toes. He kissed Lachlan softly and Lachlan's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, but he happily kissed back. Jay placed his hands on the sides of Lachlan's waist, pulling Lachlan close.

He pulled away for a moment and studied Lachlan's face, a grin spreading onto his own. "Honeymoon time." He teased and lightly pushed Lachlan up against the window, who gasped and started laughing. "Of course you would go right to that." Lachlan teased and Jay glared playfully at him, sticking out his tongue. "Is that what you'll say at our own wedding?" Lachlan added in a quiet tone, blushing softly. "Of course not. Our wedding will be too special for me to tease." Jay said seriously and Lachlan looked down at him, a shy smile spreading across his lips. "Of course it will be." Lachlan said and picked Jay up, twirling him around. Jay squealed and gripped onto Lachlan, starting to laugh.

"Can I wear a dress at our wedding?" Lachlan joked and Jay nodded, laughing more. "If you want. We could both wear dresses." Jay said and Lachlan placed him down, kissing his forehead. "You'd look hot in a dress." Lachlan teased and Jay nodded, starting to playfully grin. "Maybe that's more for a bedroom thing then a wedding thing." He suggested and Lachlan's face turned red. He grabbed a pillow off of the bed and smacked Jay with it, who burst out laughing. That's another thing about there relationship. Jay was more of the type to say sexual things as jokes, while Lachlan would never dare make those types of jokes. Jay said he was too shy, while others say he's just too pure. Jay knows that's not true.

"Jay! Bad!" Lachlan said as he smacked him with the pillow, Jay laughing even more. "That's your own fault! You walked yourself into that!" Jay exclaimed and Lachlan rolled his eyes, dropping the pillow and hugging Jay. "Fine, and I'm done cleaning." He said and Jay looked around the room slowly. "You call this clean?" He joked and Lachlan whined, pouting at him. "I hate you." He said and Jay leaned up, kissing his cheek. "Love you too, Lachy." Jay said and Lachlan's pouting turned into a smile. "I can never stay mad at you." He murmured and Jay nodded in agreement. "Damn right. You love me too much." Jay happily said and darted out of the room.

"Back to work for me! Have fun cleaning." He called out and Lachlan groaned loudly. Though he groaned, he also couldn't help but smile. Jay was always playful and sweet, which made him very happy to be dating him, such an amazing boyfriend.

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