Strangers Kiss [Jeston]

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But during class today, I decided to finish this old Preston x Jay fanfic. Idk, I like it.. Just enjoy pls
I sighed impatiently and took a drink from the red cup. My boyfriend, Lachlan, had dragged me to this party. And I know no one here. Not only do I know no one, Lachlan left me here alone. As soon as we got there, some dude strolled up and took Lachlan away.

"Lachlan! I'm glad you could make it!" The man had said as he hugged Lachlan. "Mitch! I'm glad I could too. This is Preston." Lachlan said and motioned to me. Mitch stared at me for a moment and forced a smile. "I'm Mitch." He said flatly before grabbing Lachlan's wrist. "Come on, let's go!" He said and darted off, pulling Lachlan into the crowd of people. Leaving me all alone.

I bit his lip and took another drink. It's been two hours of me just standing by the wall. Plus my phone recently died, so that was a bonus. The worst part? It was obvious Mitch liked Lachlan. Just the way he talked and looked at him.. I glanced around at the people and noticed one of them staring. It was a male who looked around my age. He had brown hair that was up in a quiff and had brown eyes. He was also biting his lip.
I awkwardly looked away, having made we contact with him, and took a drink from his cup. When i looked back up, the male was walking towards me. My heart skipped a beat and I bit his lip hard. No, stop that. I have a boyfriend.

I watched as the male walked through the crowd and over to me, leaning up against the wall next to me. He was wearing a normal black shirt and jeans. "Hey sweetheart. What're you doing up by the wall alone?" He asked me with a cheeky smile. My cheeks turned red and I slowly looked at him. "Someone dragged me here and then left me here, plus I know no one." I mumbled and and banged my head against the wall a bit. He chuckled a bit and grinned. "Well, now you know someone. I'm Jay." I stared at him for a moment. "I'm Preston." I finally said and he laughed. "Well, who did you come here with?" He asked me softly. "Lachlan." I said and then realized he probably doesn't know him. "Ah yes, Lachlan." Never mind. "How do you know Lachlan?" I asked him quietly. "Old friends. How do you know him?" Jay asked me and took a drink from his cup. "Boyfriend.." I muttered then sighed quietly. "Really? And he left you here?" Jay asked and bit his lip when I nodded sadly. "Seriously? That's kinda a shitty boyfriend then." He said truthfully and I glared down at my feet. "I know right." I said bitterly.

"How about we dance and forget about him for a bit? He's an asshole for leaving you alone." Jay said honestly and stood up normally. "Really?" I asked him with a small smile, being slightly drunk. The only thing I had to do for two hours was drink, of course I'm a bit drunk. "Of course! Let's go!" He exclaimed and grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the wall. I stumbled after him and he stopped in the middle of a crowd of people, grinning and grabbing my hips. The sober part of me was screaming at me to push him away, but the drunk part.. Well..

I moved closer to him and danced against him, grinning slightly. Fuck it, if Lachlan had actually cared for me? He would've told Mitch that he was gonna stay with his boyfriend. Me and Jay danced together for quite a while until he grabbed my arm, pulling me away from everyone. Down the hallway, past some people, and into the bathroom. I stared at him for a moment, leaning up against a wall. "What're you doing?" I asked, even though the sober part of me new. "This." Jay said with a grin, leaning in and kissing him. Hard.

Now, I knew this was wrong. I know it's wrong to kiss someone when I have a boyfriend. But at the moment:. I really don't care. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. He grinned into the kiss and placed a hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer towards him. Holy shit, he's a good kisser. I pulled him closer and let my hands roam up his shirt, honestly not caring anymore. He pushed me up against the wall and a moan left my lips. I could just tell he was smirking.

He placed his hands on my hips and started lifting up my shirt. And then the moment was ruined. The door suddenly opened and Jay pulled away from the kiss, glancing over.
I did as well and my heart sank. Lachlan stood by the doorframe. He had a mix of emotions on his face, most of it being anger. "Really, Preston?" He asked in a flat tone, his arms crossed over his chest. I noticed Mitch was standing behind him, which really didn't help. "You left me alone! You left me all alone at a party, where I knew no one!" I exclaimed, glaring at him. "And you cheat on me because of it?!" He asked loudly and I just nodded.

"Yes, I did." I said, really not caring. I probably shouldn't of sad that. He walked over to me and slapped me across the face, which shocked me for a bit. So I just stood there. Jay was the only one that reacted. He grabbed Lachlan's arm and pushed him out of the bathroom, slamming the door on him. "Ow.." I mumbled quietly and we heard footsteps walk away. Jay grabbed my hand and pulled me outside the bathroom. Then outside the house. Soon, we were outside a car. "You okay?" He asked softly and I just hugged him. "I'll take you back to my house, okay?" He mumbled and I nodded weakly, watching as he unlocked his car door.

Well, after that night.. Me and Lachlan broke up. Jay let me stay with him for a bit. When I say that, I mean forever. We hooked up. But Lachlan or Mitch doesn't need to know that.

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