Day 8: Daline

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Prompt: ???????
Ship: My gay characters. Dawn The Demon X Caroline The Human
Genre: fluffy?
Warnings/Notes: a certain nerd wanted PeteZahBo but I suck at wiring them? So, we got these two gays instead. This isn't even a one shot. Just me showcasing off the gays. But I don't wanna write today. So have this dumb little thing
New writing style. Which is just for this chapter cause meh.
Bold is Dawn
Normal is Caroline
This is the little things in between

"Hey there, California."

"Don't call me that."

"Fine. Hello, coco."


"What? Nicknames are great!"

"They are not."

"You're no fun."

There was a pause of silence, so Dawn started up again.

"Hey, hey, collie flower!"

"Collie flower is disgusting."

"I know. I live in hell and that's even worst."

More silence.

"If you are creative with your nicknames, then I'll let them slide."

A sudden grin spread across Dawns lips.

"Hey, sugar tits!"

A loud laugh came from Caroline's lips.

"Excuse me?"

"Get it? 'Cause you got a pretty sweet chest."

"Are you looking at my chest?"

"Every here and there."

"I don't see the appeal of breasts."

"Are you kidding me? Wearing a bra does suck.."


"But! You can bounce them around with your hands! They're squishy! Though, that is more fun to do when you're alone."

"Fair point."

A soft sigh came from Caroline's lips.

"What's wrong, sugar tits?"

"Well, this talk is making me think of old boyfriends."

"Gross. Men disgust me."

"Men like them disgust me. Who value sex over love."

"Those are pigs, not men."

"Thanks for agreeing. A lot of people argue it's just, boys being boys."

"No, those are pigs pretending to be boys."

Dawn moved a piece of hair away from her face, and Caroline glanced at her.

"You prefer girls.."

"Duh. They're far more better for me."

"Right. How did you realize that?"

"I looked at some boobs and thought they were nice."


"I'm joking! I got a crush on a girl and realized I don't really have an interest in men."

"I see.."

Dawn's eyes were full of hope.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason.."

"There's always a reason."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

A pause of silence.

"Is not.."

"Just tell me!"

"I think I may like both, I don't know. It's confusing."

"So bisexual?"


"Or pansexual? Demisexual? Asexual? There are so many more!"


"Yeah, a ton of sexualities."

"I only knew of the ones they actually tell you about.." 

"Well, you can like many genders. I'll tell you all about it later. Over a nice dinner."

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Pft, what? Of course not."




No reply.

"Dawny the dinosaur?"

A snort.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I can have nicknames, too."

"Mine is better, sugar tits."

"Stop that."

"I will when you stop having sweet boobs."

A soft laugh.

"I'll go on that date with you. Just stop using different names for my chest each time."

"But I want to talk about your tatas."


"Your jugs."

"I swear to god."

"Your lumps of fat."

"Stop it!"

"Your baby feeders."

"I will slap you."

"I can fly away. Wings, bitch."

"I will grab you by your wings. Hands, bitch."

Dawn gasped softly.

"How dare you!"


"My wings are sensitive."

"True. They look so badass though."

"I know!"

"I wish I could fly."

"Well, you could ride me someday."

Awkward pause.

"That came out sexual."


"Shut up. So, the date?"

"Sure, let's go."

"Right on, sugar tits! I need to go into my normal, human form."

"Okay, okay."

Dawn quickly changed forms, smiling at her.

"Shall we?"

"We shall." 

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