Different [Lachlan]

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This is dedicated to sorcerervevo because?? idk you're a really cool dude? I love your writing style and I read your vent you wrote with transgender Vik and I just?? I loved it? (Sorry if this comes off as weird/creepy. I'm so very awkward)
Prompt: This is kinda a vent? I've never made a vent before (then again the whole genderfluid Lachlan thing is kinda a big vent omg)
Ship: Platonic!Jachlan and Lachlan X whoever you want~
Genre: Sad/happy? It's both.
Warnings/Notes: (About later on in the story) I've never been to Starbucks so excuse my lack of knowledge about it! I also like, double checked to make sure I made Lachlan being referred to as 'they' by themself and by Jay!!! So if I called Lachlan a he in here, I'm so sorry I fucked it up
Lachlan grabbed the hoodie and pulled it on, staring into the mirror. They grabbed a necklace off of their dresser and put it around their neck, smiling softly. The necklace had a purple heart on it, which had a meaning behind it. When Lachlan wore the necklace with the pink heart, they wished to use her/she pronouns that day. With the blue heart, he/him. And with the purple? They/their/them. It was that easy. If only everyone followed that rule.

Lachlan had arrived to school after a terrible walk, grunting as they walked over to their locker. "Hey Lachy." Jay said with a smile, nodding at Lachlan and staring at the necklace. "Hello Jay." Lachlan replied to him and shut their locker. Jay was Lachlan's best friend, and one of the only people who followed the necklace rule. "Ready for today?" Jay asked as he leaned up against the locker next to Lachlan. Jay and Lachlan had been best friends since seventh grade. When Lachlan came out to Jay in ninth grade, Jay was very proud of them.

Jay was always been open with who he dates, though not saying what his sexuality was. Not that Lachlan cared, though. Lachlan grabbed their books from their locker and shut it, letting out a soft sigh. "What's up, dude?" Jay asked Lachlan. Jay had previously said that he used nicknames like "bro" and "dude" as all gender nicknames. It was sweet of him to clarify. "Just not feeling that good." Lachlan muttered and Jay slowly nodded. "Then, it's my job to make you feel even better!" Jay exclaimed and Lachlan smiled slightly, nodding at their best friend.

They both separated as they headed to their own classes, Lachlan trying to ignore any bad thoughts. They weren't going to give in to them. Lachlan walked into their class and sat down, putting their bag on the back of their chair. "Good morning, Mr. Power." The teacher greeted and Lachlan forced a smile, looking down. They didn't feel like a he today. Yet, they were going to be called one. No matter how many times they corrected someone. It was always Mr Power, never Ms. or Mx. How Lachlan only wished the teacher called them Mx. Power, keeping it gender natural.

Maybe it was because Lachlan dressed like a male, all the time. The only time they dressed any different, is when they go shopping with Jay. Jay is one of the only people Lachlan can be themself around. How sad is that?

The day dragged out, Lachlan had thought. They had just said goodbye to Jay and left the school properly, sighing to themselves. They walked down the sidewalk, but didn't turn down their street. Instead, Lachlan kept walking. Not wanting to go home, to where they'd be called a boy.

They headed into their local Starbucks, wanting to drink away their problems. They walked in and found it nearly empty, for once. They waited in line and walked up to the counter, a male smiling widely at Lachlan. "Hello! What would you like?" The male asked in a chirper tone. "Can I get a caramel macchiato," Lachlan said, also saying what size they wanted. "And a chocolate chip muffin?" They finished and the male quickly nodded, saying the price and asking for their name.

Lachlan handed them the exact amount. "Lachlan." They said with a soft smile. "Okay! Your drink is coming right up, sir." The last part stung Lachlan. It seemed like they had just been shot. "Uh, can you not call me sir?" Lachlan awkwardly asked and the male quickly nodded, asking why. "I'm genderfluid and I feel gender neutral, so call by they, them, or their pronouns." Lachlan quickly said, shutting his eyes for a brief moment.

They couldn't believe they just opened up to a random stranger at Starbucks. "Of course. I'm so sorry." Lachlan slowly opened their eyes, seeing the male apologize. "It's fine." Lachlan said softly and the male scurried off, making his drink. Lachlan waited around until their name was called.

They walked up and grabbed it from the males hands, also grabbing he muffin off the counter. The male smiled warmly at them. "Have a nice day, Lachlan." He said and Lachlan nodded, heading out. Lachlan stared at his cup, realizing more was written on it.

"Sorry for misgendering you. I'd like to get to know you, though. You're very cute and seem interesting!"

A messily written phone number was written after that, which caused Lachlan to smiled softly. Maybe not all people were as bad as they had thought.

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