Day 9: Vig3r123

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I still love their ship name, I cry
Requester: no one. But this is dedicated to FuzzyFeelings bc reading your punk pastel Vikklan thing gave me this idea :')
Prompt: ?????
Ship: Vik X Jay (aka Vig3r123)
Genre: Au and a little bit of everything. Fluff, sad, NSFW (maybe)
Warnings/Notes: Shoutout to Kris for writing that amazing little Vikklan one shot. I loved it so much. It inspired this little thing. Expect, neither of them are pastel. But you'll see
Jay leaned against the brick wall, a low sigh falling from his lips. He was standing at the back of the school, where they kept the dumpsters and all. No one ever came out back here. Unless, they were planning on skipping class. Which is what Jay was doing. His hands were stuffed into his jacket pockets, which was made with some leather material. He wore a light grey shirt, with nothing on it. Though he did own graphic tees, he would never be caught dead wearing one. He reached down and grabbed his phone from his jeans pocket, which were black. To match his jacket, obviously. He lightly tapped his foot against he concrete, letting out another sigh. No reply. He shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Skipping class alone was just plain boring. So, he texted his partner in crime and told him to meet him back here. Five minutes have passed, and nothing. No reply, no show. It annoyed him, because this friend would always reply as soon as possible. And now, they had decided not to. Jay looked down at he concrete, which had cigarette butts and empty cans scattered across it. Either soda cans, or beer cans. After another five minutes, Jay was about to give up and just go home. Until. "Sorry I was late, stupid teacher almost caught me." Jay glanced up and a slight smile grew over his lips. "No problem, I didn't care." Jay lied and leaned properly against the wall again. "Like hell you didn't. You hate skipping alone." The male taunted and walked up to Jay.

The male was named Vik, and was Jay's closest friend. Vik wore a similar outfit to Jay. Well, the colours were similar. They mostly wore shades. Vik wore black trousers and a white shirt, which stuck out at the end of his hoodie. He wore a black hoodie, which was zipped up and his hood was pulled onto his head. He leaned next to Jay against the wall and dug his hand into his hoodie pocket, pulling out a cigarette case. "Want one?" Vik asked and Jay nodded, grabbing it from Vik. He opened the case and frowned as only one was left in it. "You sure you want to give me your last one?" Jay asked him slowly and Vik nodded, saying he wouldn't care.

Jay nodded and took the cigarette out, placing it between his lips and checking his pocket. "Shit, I must've left my lighter at home." He murmured and Vik rolled his eyes, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his own lighter. He handed it to Jay and Jay quickly thanked him, lighting his smoke and handing it back. Jay placed the end of the smoke between his two fingers and pulled it away, breathing out a line of smoke. "Can I at least have a drag?" Vik asked with a smile, Jay nodding and handing him the smoke. Vik took it between his fingers and brought it to his lips, inhaling slowly. He closed his eyes and Jay watched him, noticing how relaxed he looked. Vik did everything better, Jay had noticed. It was impressive. Not to mention hot.

Vik exhaled and moved the smoke away from his lips, butting the end of it and letting the ashes fall onto the ground. He opened his eyes and went to give it back to Jay, who was hopelessly staring at him. "Why are you staring at me?" Vik asked him with a raised eyebrow. Jay shook out of his thoughts and grabbed the smoke from him, quickly saying no reason. "Sure. There is always a reason, Jay." Vik said with an eye roll, chuckling to himself and staying leaned up against the wall. "Lying is bad." Vik added and Jay laughed at that statement, raising an eyebrow at him. "Says you, the biggest liar I know." Jay commented and Vik glared playfully at him. "Lying to your friends is bad." Jay moved the cigarette away from his lips and bit his lip slightly, letting out a sigh.

Which caused smoke to leave his lips. "I just thought you looked cool when smoking." Jay admitted and Vik smiled slightly, nudging Jay in the side. "How sweet!" Vik exclaimed and Jay felt his cheeks heat up, glancing over and glaring at Vik. They had a, special friendship. Jay had a crush on Vik, which Vik was clueless to. At least, Jay thinks Vik is clueless to. It seems like he is. Though, it isn't that weird. Jay was openly out as gay. Vik, however, has never said his sexuality. "It's not sweet, fuck off." Jay said and Vik chuckled, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. "So, what can we do?" Vik asked as he glanced at Jay, who paused for a moment. "Uh.." Jay muttered slowly, Vik just letting out a groan.

"You idiot. Just say a topic, and we'll talk about it." Vik said with an eye roll, Jay's mind becoming blank. "Love." Jay said and his face heated up as Vik looked at him. "Love?" Vik repeated and Jay slowly nodded. "Why were you thinking about love? Is my little Jay in love?" Vik asked with a grin, Jay's heart fluttering as Vik referred to Jay as 'his.' He rolled his eyes and brought the cigarette to his lips. "Maybe. And what do you even look for in a person? You rarely bring up love." Jay asked Vik, who chuckled and thought about it for a moment. "My ideal person.." He said slowly. "A tall, blonde haired person. With shining blue eyes and a stunning personality." He finished and Jay's heart sank, a sudden feeling forming at the pit of his stomach.

"Cool." Jay mumbled quietly, it almost coming off as a whisper. "What's your ideal type?" Vik asked him and Jay bit the inside of his cheek hard. "Someone who is only a few inches taller then me, because tall people are scary." Jay started and Vik laughed. "Looks don't matter. Someone with just a perfect personality. Who is charming, sweet, funny.." He finished off and Vik nodded, smiling at him. His smile made it even more heartbreaking. Jay looked down at his shoes, pushing back the thought of crying. It was tempting, knowing the fact that your crush's ideal type was.. the opposite of you. "You okay, Jay?" Vik asked him, noticing Jay had gotten quiet.

"Never better." Jay lied and Vik sighed a bit. "You know you can't lie to me." Vik pointed out. "Shut it." Jay murmured and finished his cigarette, dropping it onto the ground and stepping on it. "Can't make me." Vik said with a cheeky grin. "Yes, I can." Jay said quietly and glanced at Vik, who was grinning at Jay. "Then do it. Shut me up." Vik said with a cocky grin. Two little voices popped into Jays mind. One was telling him not to do it, that it'd just end badly. While, the other voice was saying to do it. To kiss him. The one voice ended up taking over his mind as he stared at Vik, moving away from the wall for a brief moment.

Jay placed his hands on Vik's shoulders and leaned close, placing his lips on Vik's. As he waited to be pushed away and probably slapped, he only found Vik kissing back. Jay slowly closed his eyes and pulled Vik closer to him, leaning against the wall a bit. Vik moved closer to him and they stayed like that for a while, just kissing against the wall. Well, now it was making out. Vik pulled away after a bit, obviously needing to catch his breath. "Wow." Jay whispered, his cheeks flushed a light red. "You're a good kisser. I'm impressed. Your lips still taste like smoke." Vik said with a slight grin, Jay blinking a few times. "Why didn't you pull away?" Jay asked him quietly, really glad Vik hadn't pulled away.

"Why would I pull away, when someone so gorgeous was kissing me?" Vik asked with a sly smile, Jay just staring at him in shock. "You think I'm gorgeous?" Jay asked Vik with wide eyes, being quite overjoyed. "I don't think, I know. A lot of people find you attractive. I'm one of them." Vik said smoothly and Jay's heart was beating quickly. "But, I'm not your ideal type.." Jay whispered quietly, frowning a bit. "Jay, what did you say earlier?" Vik asked him, Jay just becoming confused.  "Uh.." Jay mumbled and Vik rolled his eyes. "Something about me being the biggest liar you know." Vik answered for him and winked, Jay feeling a sudden rush of excitement.

"Anyways, let's head to my house. Skipping the whole day, so we can talk." Vik said, a smirk growing on his lips. "You saying 'talk' with a smirk on your face.. Totally doesn't seem like a lie." Jay joked and Vik chuckled, grabbing onto Jays hand and pulling him away from the wall. "I mean, we can do other things. If you want." Vik said with a grin and began walking away from the school, pulling Jay with him. "I wouldn't mind kissing you some more." Jay said and Vik let out a laugh, glancing back at him. "You thought I was talking about kissing?" Vik started and Jay blinked a few times. "So naive, so pure." Vik added and Jay's face turned a bright red, realizing what Vik meant. "We can do that too!" Jay said and Vik laughed, smiling mischievously. "Good, can't wait."

Tyler's Book of Oneshots And Au's.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ