Gifts for some people!

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I said in my rant book, that if you commented a headcanon + ship/person, I'd write a 500+ thing for it. So. Here we go! Enjoy this unedited shit.
These are the ones I got right after I posted it. If I get more, their may be a part two?
For: OreoPoofless
Prompt: Cute video game time!
Ship: Peteless (Brandon X Rob)
Genre: Fluffy af
Warnings/Notes: I barely write about Brandon so, sorry if it's bad! I also tried to write slightly different, plus irl? Idk, I hope you like it!
Brandon trudged down the stairs and yawned quietly, his covered feet dragging across the wooden floor. On his feet, a pair of white bunny slippers were there. He wore green and black checkered pj bottoms and a plain, grey shirt to top it all off. He wore his glasses as well, which he still didn't like.

His hair was a mess and all he wanted to do was shove it all into a hat. "Brandon?" A voice called out and Brandon followed the voice, walking into the kitchen and letting out a tired groan. Suddenly, a cardboard cup with the McDonald's logo on it was pushed into Brandon's hands. The familiar smell of hot chocolate filled Brandon's nose and he smiled softly, leaning up and pressing his lips against Rob's cheek. Rob wore a pair of black sweatpants, a blue shirt, and no shoes or socks on his feet.

"Thanks, Robert." Brandon murmured and took a sip from his favourite drink, stepping out into the lounge. "Anything for my favourite man." Rob chimed in and followed him into the lounge. Brandon noticed the TV and the Wii U were on, the familiar tone of super smash bros playing in the background. "You down for a game?" Rob asked and Brandon quickly nodded, placing down the hot chocolate and grabbing the controller. Rob did the same and plopped down next to Brandon on the couch. "I'm not losing." He taunted and Brandon laughed, nudging him in the side. "Sure, sure." Brandon taunted as he quickly clicked on his character.

He always played as Little Mac, it just being a habit of his. He clicked on the white character colour and waited for Rob to choose. Rob grinned to himself and picked Mario, also picking his stripped outside. "Let's do this." Rob challenged and Brandon quickly took a drink from his hot chocolate, quickly nodding and grabbing onto his controller.

After a few hefty rounds, Brandon came out as the winner. "I won! Like usual." Brandon teased and Rob glares playfully at him. "Oi!" Rob exclaimed and Brandon laughed softly, finishing the last of his hot chocolate. "Because you won, you deserve a prize." Rob started to say and Brandon paused, glancing over at his boyfriend. "Like, what?" Brandon questioned and Rob grinned, leaning over and gently kissing Brandon.

Brandon grinned as well and happily kissed back, pulling away after a few short moments. Rob reached over and pulled Brandon onto his lap, cuddling into the back of him and wrapping his arms around Brandon's rather slim frame. "Let's cuddle and keep playing?" Rob offered him and Brandon eagerly nodded, leaning back against his chest. They were close in height, but Rob always did this. Brandon secretly loved it and thought Rob was clueless to that, but he wasn't. Rob did it all the time, because he knew Brandon loved it.

"I'm going to win this time." Rob promised and Brandon laughed at his remark. Rob had always loved Brandon's laugh, which was why he tried his best to always make him laugh. It filled him with joy to see the man he loves, laughing because of something he had said. "There's that laugh I love so much." Rob whispered and nuzzled his face into Brandon's hair, also loving how fluffy his hair was. "I love you." Rob murmured into the hair and Brandon smiled widely, feeling very loved. "I love you too, Rob." Brandon said back and Rob smiled into his hair. "Now, let's battle." Rob said and looked up, Brandon nodding and gripping onto his controller.
For: OreoPoofless once again!
Prompt: They meet at an unexpected place for the first time!!!
Ship: Bray (!!!!Brandon X Jay!!!!!)
Genre: Even more fluff
Warnings/Notes: I'm so glad people are embracing the fact that Jay is good with literally anyone and everyone :')
Again, sorry if my writing about Brandon sucks omg
Jay walked down the sidewalk and sighed to himself, his sigh showing he was obviously annoyed. Lachlan had begged Jay to come to Pax South with him this year, so he did. Then what does Lachlan do? Ditch him to hang out with The Pack. Like usual.

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