Day 3: Soaring, Flyin'

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Theme I Choose: Both bc I'm weak for it. (High school and makeup)
Genre: Au and?? Great??
Prompt: Fucking theatre kids and lowkey high school musical au
Warnings/Notes: Ohohohoho.
This is literally Leston but also with Stella, who may turn into one of my new ocs. Idfk man. (Also featuring two lines from another OC. I do that, just add ocs for background characters)
"Makeup isn't suppose to be worn by boys." The teacher scoffed at the girl, who was putting makeup on a male student. She looked at her theatre teacher and blinked a few times. "There isn't a law against it. Therefore, boys can wear whatever they want." She said and kept applying makeup onto the boy, who sat still.

None of the other girls wanted to be her canvas while she practiced makeup, so she asked a male friend of hers. He happily accepted and apparently, people had a problem with it. "Stella, stop it." The teacher said once again and Stella ignored her, applying more. "Does this look good?" She asked and handed him the mirror. He looked into it and nodded quickly. "I think a bit too much eyeliner, but otherwise you nailed it."

She let out a cheer and said he could get a break. He nodded and stood up, glancing around the stage. The stage was more crowded then usual. The basketball team ended up having to help, only because they threw a basketball at the theatre teachers car. This was their punishment. He headed backstage and passed a group of guys, heading over to where the mini fridge was located. He kneeled down and opened it, grabbing a can of soda.

"Cute makeup." One of the boys teased as he passed, his soda already opened and it against his lips. "Oh, thanks." He said smoothly and moved away the can. "Your girlfriend told me the exact same thing last night." He said mildly sarcastic and walked off, hearing the male swearing. High schoolers got upset over the most basic insults, even if it was obvious they weren't true.

He hummed to himself as he walked and drank, not noticing where he was going. He bumped into someone as he walked, stumbling a few steps back and losing his balance. He fell onto the floor, it making a loud noise. He had always hated the fact that whenever you dropped something on the stage, it echoed and made the loudest noise ever. So, naturally, people look over. Theatre kids look over to make sure something important wasn't dropped. The others look over cause a loud fucking noise just happened.

"Oh fuck, are you okay?" The male asked as he reached down, holding out his hand for the other to grab. He stared at the males hand for a brief moment, the male being very tall. Well, he was from the basketball team. Obviously he had to be tall.

"Preston! Holy shit, are you okay?" Stella exclaimed loudly as she ran over, pushing the tall and cute guy out of the way. Now, he knew Stella was a strong girl. Hell, she could probably beat up him in a heart beat. But the fact that she made the tall basketball player fall over, surprised him quite a bit. "Stella!" Preston exclaimed and stood up, helping the other up. "What? He's on the basket ball team! I'm sure he can handle me, a small 5'4 girl." She protested and he rolled his eyes, staring at the male.

"Sorry about her. And yes, I'm fine. That was my fault." Preston said and the male blinked a few times. "Man, maybe I should join a sports team. I knocked goldilocks right onto the ground!" Stella exclaimed and Goldilocks rolled his eyes. "You just caught me off guard." He protested and stared at Preston. "You're Preston, was it?" He asked and Preston nodded. "And you are?" He asked and Goldilocks smiled softly. "I'm Lachlan."

"Goldilocks suits you better." Stella commented and grabbed both sides of Preston's face, seeing if any of his makeup smudged. "Who the hell are you?" Lachlan asked in an annoyed tone. "The name's Stella. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it." She said and let go of his face when she saw none had smudged. "No ladies love it." Another girl commented as she passed. Stella whined and ran after her. "Meg, baby! Don't be like that!" Stella whined more as she followed her.

Preston smiled to himself and stared at Lachlan for a moment. He was quite tall, and had blonde hair. He also blue eyes, of course. He didn't look very strong, if he was honest. But his height was amazing. "I'm still sorry about that." Lachlan said, ignoring the comment Stella said with her name. "I'm fine, Lachlan." Preston said with a slight laugh, drinking out of his soda again.

"Soo.. Is it normal for guys to wear makeup?" Lachlan asked after a slightly awkward pause of silence. "Is that your best pick up line?" Preston asked sarcastically. "And only true men know that things like makeup and dresses are not only for women. Clothes aren't assigned to a gender." He finished and Lachlan slowly nodded along. "Well, it suits you." Lachlan said and Preston let out a laugh, batting his eyelashes. "Of course it does." Preston said sassily.

"We're doing Romeo and Juliet, but we're trying to make it either gender switched, or gay. Jay is gonna kill it and go for the role of Juliet." Stella commented again as she walked past, rolling the makeup cart with her. "We're just making settings and stuff before casting, it's the smart thing to do!" She added in. "Well, all the power to you." Lachlan said with a soft smile. "But who do you want to be your Romeo?" Lachlan added in, his tone being a by more flirty.

"A short, brunette guys with brown eyes." Preston teased, basically saying the opposite of Lachlan. "Rejected." Meg said as she passed by once again and Lachlan pouted. "If they can act, literally anyone. But I doubt teach will let us do gay Romeo and Juliet." Preston said with a soft sigh.

"If you get enough people, I'm sure she will have no other choice but have to do it." Lachlan said with a grin. "Go for it, Juliet." Preston grinned himself and batted his eyelashes again. "We'll see, I don't know if the world is ready for my kind of beauty just yet."

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