Day 11: Vikklan

140 12 8

Requester: none
Prompt: >u-
Ship: Vikklan
Genre: Gay a s fuck
Warnings/Notes: The song is 'See You Go' by 3OH!3. This is shorter but gay. Plus no editing cause lazy af
She stopped me in the doorway. She kissed me on the lips

"What are you doing?" Vik asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing he shouldn't of agreed to drive Rob's friends to this party. Vik didn't even know him, minus finding out his name. Lachlan leaned down slightly. "Something I've wanted to do, the moment I saw you." Lachlan said with a grin, placing his lips on Vik's. That was just the start of the night.

I dont even know her. That's just the way it is. That's just the way it is

Vik's eyes widened and he quickly stumbled back, moving his hand over his mouth. Lachlan let out a giggle and moved close to Vik, which caused Vik to move back. He had his back against the doorway, Lachlan leaning over him. "I would prefer if this were the other way around, but.." Lachlan said with a wicked grin.

Then she touched my hands, ooo, she touched my hands

Lachlan reached down and grabbed onto Vik's hand, an innocent smile spreading across his gorgeous face. "Take me to your car." Lachlan said and Vik blinked a few times, nodding and slowly walking over to his car. Lachlan stayed holding onto his hand and followed him, a sly grin on his face. Vik found this insane. Some random guy, who was friends with one of Vik's own friends, was hitting on him. It was flattering, weird, and.. charming. He secretly liked it.

Told me I should be her man, told me I should be her man

They had gotten into the car and had drove off, Vik heading to the party. "Vik?" Lachlan asked with a sly smile, Vik letting out a soft sigh. "What is it, Lachlan?" He asked him slowly, not knowing what he'd say. "You're quite cute, if I'm honest." Lachlan said with a wink, Vik's face heating up. Many thoughts were rushing through his mind. He was guessing Lachlan wasn't straight, unless he was just joking with Vik. He silently wished Lachlan wasn't. "Thanks. So are you." He quickly mumbled and Lachlan's eyes lit up. "Awh! Thank you!" He said and leaned over, kissing Vik on the cheek. It was going to be a long night, Vik could already tell.

This is my one and only chance, and that's just romance

Vik leaned against the wall, a bored sigh leaving his lips. Parties weren't his thing, but he promised he would go. Lachlan had ran off with Rob, thankfully. Though, Vik would probably have more fun if the tall blonde were here. He smiled slightly and chuckles to himself, scanning through the crowd. He saw Rob's familiar figure, who was talking to a male. A male shorter then Vik, who had brown hair and eyes. Lachlan was also there, looking bored.

No I dont wanna be, the guy to see you go. And I dont wanna be, if you dont take me home

Lachlan looked around and noticed Vik, his eyes lighting up and walking over. Vik stood up a bit and Lachlan stood next to him, a beer can in his hand. "Vik!" He said happily and Vik smiled a bit, chuckling quietly. "Hey. You looked bored." Vik said and Lachlan groaned, saying he was. "Rob is trying to flirt with that guy. It's working, but I was bored." He whined and Vik nodded, saying he knew how Lachlan felt. Lachlan leaned up against Vik, a pout on his lips. 

I dont want to see you walk away from me. I got everything that you could ever need. No I dont wanna be. The guy to see you go

"Entertain me." Lachlan whined and Vik just laughed, raising an eyebrow. "How am I suppose to do that?" He asked Lachlan, who grinned widely. He then grabbed onto Vik's hand, pulling him over to the kitchen. "You need alcohol, firstly." Lachlan said and Vik stumbled after him, not liking the sound of that. Lachlan grabbed Vik a can of beer from the fridge and threw it over to him, which he almost didn't catch. "Now what?" Vik asked as he opened the can, taking a drink and grimacing at the bad taste. "We drink and dance." Lachlan declared and pulled Vik out onto the dance floor.

No I'm seeing double. I'm leaning on the pool cue

Vik was leaned against another wall, watching Lachlan and some others play pool. Lachlan, Rob, and two other guys. Lachlan seemed to be flirting with one of them, the one taller then Vik. Not by much, but still. That male had a catchy laugh, which made Lachlan laugh. Rob was still flirting with the same guy, of course. Vik watched them, a jealous look spread across his face. Rob had secretly pointed out that Vik looked jealous, which Vik didn't want to believe. Though, the more he watched Lachlan and the male flirt. The more his jealousy rose.

I'm aiming for that black ball. Cause tonight they're aint no last call

"Vik walked off." Rob said as he aimed for a certain pool ball. Lachlan quickly looked around and whined quietly, pouting deeply. "Where'd he go?" Lachlan exclaimed and Rob glanced at him, standing up normally. "Probably hiding in a dark corner. He hates parties." Rob said and Lachlan stared at him. "Then why is he here?" Lachlan questioned and Rob chuckled lowly. "He promised. He never goes down on promises." Rob said with a wink, going back to playing the game.

Pour me a pitcher of the cheap stuff, of the cheap stuff. To chase the taste of these cheap shots, of these cheap shots

Vik quickly downed the drink, coughing slightly as he did. It was some mix that someone had made, all of the persons friends being too scared to try it. Vik was around and decided to drink it, to shut them up. "That was sick!" The guy exclaimed and wrapped an arm around Vik, patting him on the shoulder. Vik coughed again and rolled his eyes, saying it was nothing. "That was not nothing!" Someone else exclaimed and Vik moved away, waving them off and walking away. He just wanted to go home.

Turn it up on the jukebox, t-t-t-turn it up. I dont wanna have to talk, I dont wanna have to talk

He walked around in silence, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him. He just wanted to leave. To go home, to the safety of his room. Where he could play video games, or watch some new Netflix show. He hates parties, and he hated the fact that he agreed to go here.

Cause I dont want to see you leave. I grab my coat and you grab your keys

"Vik!" A sudden voice exclaimed and he looked back, seeing Lachlan run up. He was wearing a jacket, that he wasn't wearing before. "What?" Vik asked and Lachlan smiled at him. "Want to leave? You promised to drive me home too, so." Lachlan said and Vik blinked a few times, nodding and walking over to the door. The jacket still was on Vik's mind. It looked familiar, but Lachlan wasn't wearing it before. It dawned upon him and a spike of jealousy hit him. It was the jacket of the male, Lachlan was flirting with when playing pool.

We're all alone. I find your lips. Take me home for a goodnight kiss

They got to the car and Lachlan leaned up against it. "Nice jacket." Vik said in a slight bitter tone, looking at him. "Oh?" Lachlan said and glanced down, starting to giggle. "Oh! Yeah, his jacket is nice and warm." Lachlan said with a wide, mischievous smile. Which made Vik more jealous. Vik walked up to him and grabbed him by his shirt collar, which made Lachlan squeak. He pulled Lachlan down and kissed him hard, which shocked Lachlan.

No I dont wanna be, the guy to see you go. And I dont wanna be, if you dont take me home. I dont want to see you walk away from me

They stood there for a short while, just kissing each other. Vik pulled away and unlocked the car doors, walking around and getting in. Lachlan stood there for a moment before getting in as well, grinning widely. Vik didn't say anything and started the car, driving off. They were both silent the whole ride to Lachlan's house, only the radio making some noise. 

I got everything that you could ever need. No I dont wanna be the guy to see you go

Vik stopped the car and Lachlan glanced at him. Vik stayed looking forward until Lachlan grabbing his chin, making Vik look at him. Lachlan grinned at him and kissed him gently, which surprised Vik. Lachlan seemed like the type to always kiss.. not so gently. Vik kissed back and Lachlan slowly pulled away, grinning at him. "Rob gave me your number. You okay with that?" Lachlan asked and Vik blushed, mentally deciding to slap Rob. He always knew when Vik had a crush. "Yeah, sure. It's fine!" He said to him.

Go go go go

Lachlan smiled widely and got out, walking up to his apartment. Vik watched him until he got inside, then he drove off. He always thought love at first sight wasn't real. I guess all you had to do to change it, was kiss some really hot blonde guy. That sure as hell made him believe in it.

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