i'm sorry

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1) I'm sorry.
2) I'm even more sorry.
There are FOUR different fanfics in this chapter *people gasps*
First one involves Mitch and Lachlan, then Lachlan and Jay, then Lachlan x ??? It's a mystery ;) and then Jay x Lachlan. The last one is the worst one tbfh oh my god.
Yes, I wrote kinda smut and I'm ashamed. It's at the end

The first fanfic will be an innocent CraftBattleCanadian one shot yeah okay
"Lachlan, stop!" Mitch groaned and got up, running after him. It was Saturday night, around 3am, and Lachlan was drunk. Mitch had brought him to his own house, knowing it wouldn't end well if Lachlan was at his own house alone. Lachlan had just stumbled downstairs to get more alcohol. Mitch ran after his friend and as he got to the bottom of the stairs, he heard a loud thud. His eyes widened and he quickly ran into the kitchen, seeing Lachlan sitting on the floor. He kneeled down and stared at him. "Are you okay?" He asked him softly. "Y-Yeah." Lachlan said in a quiet voice and slowly stood up. "No, you aren't." Mitch mumbled and stood up as well. "I-I am!" Lachlan protested and began walking out of the kitchen, limping a bit as he did so. Mitch followed him and picked him up from behind, carrying him in his arms bridal style. Lachlan squealed and moved around in his arms. "P-Put me down!" He whined loudly. "No." Mitch said and walked into the bathroom, placing Lachlan down on the closed toilet lid before digging around in the drawers. Lachlan sighed softly and moved a bit. Mitch grabbed a bandage and kneeled down, starting to carefully wrap Lachlan's ankle in it. Lachlan winced softly and bit his lip hard. Mitch soon finished and smiled at Lachlan. "Here you go, you drunken idiot." He said and stood up. Lachlan giggled and smiled at him. "T-Thanks. Can you c-carry me a-again?" He asked him quietly. "Of course." Mitch said and picked up Lachlan carefully. Lachlan smiled more and cuddled up to his chest. Mitch walked out of the bathroom and walked upstairs. He walked back into his room and placed Lachlan back on his bed. "There. Now, go to sleep." Mitch said and turned towards the door. "Cuddles?" He heard Lachlan ask quietly and he blushed a bit before turning back towards him. "Cuddles?" Mitch questioned quietly. Lachlan nodded and smiled. "Please?" Mitch sighed and laid down next to Lachlan, making sure not to hit his ankle. He wrapped his arms around Lachlan and smiled at him. Lachlan's eyes lit up and he cuddled up to Mitch's chest, yawning softly. Mitch chuckled and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Mitch." Lachlan whispered quietly. "Goodnight, Lachy."
Okay yeah that was a thing. NOW, there was a prompt for this next small one. It was something like "Imagine Person A lost a bet and had to wear a 'Free kisses' sign until they actually got a kiss. After a while, Person B saves the day. (Bonus if they aren't even friends/hate each other)" so yeah.
"You look stupid like that." Jay said and crossed his arms over his chest. Lachlan gave him a little grin and adjusted the sign around his neck, which read 'Free Kisses.' Lachlan had lost a bet and his friends had made him do this until he got a kiss. So far, he wasn't that lucky. And then to make stuff better, Jay showed up. Jay and Lachlan weren't exactly friends, they didn't really like each other Jay much. His friends were watching from a distance, finding this all very funny. Jay had asked him what the hell he was doing so Lachlan told him what happened. "Of course those idiots would come up with something like that." Jay said and rolled his eyes. Lachlan laughed a bit and nodded, leaning against a tree. "You're going to get a heat stroke." He said and shook his head. "I know. But I can't leave until I get a kiss." Lachlan said with a shrug and glanced around. Jay rolled his eyes and grabbed onto the sides of Lachlan's face with both of his hands, leaning in and kissing him softly. Lachlan's eyes widened and he could just hear all his friends gasp. Jay pulled away and fixed his hair a bit. "There. Now take that stupid sign off and get out of the sun, asshole." Jay said before turning around and walking off. Lachlan stood there, his heart pounding and his cheeks flushed red. Well, school was going to be interesting on Monday.
Whoop yeah. Now for a not so innocent one that kinda had an prompt. "'I keep walking in on you and my roommate making out and I'm uncomfortably into both of you' AU" DON'T JUDGE MY OT3.... I'M ASHAMED.
Do Preston (tbnrfrags), Jay, and Lachlan even have a ship name all together?
Lachlan opened the front door and walked inside, shutting the door behind himself. Once he saw what was happening on the couch, his face turned red. His roommate Jay was making out on the couch with his boyfriend Preston. Again. Lachlan has walked in on them making out many times and it doesn't help when he has a crush on both of them. Jay pulled away from the kiss and grinned at Lachlan. "Hello." He said innocently and Preston, who was sitting on his lap, giggled softly. "Hi." Lachlan mumbled awkwardly and took off his shoes before walking into the kitchen. He blushed more and bit his lip, quickly grabbing a glass and filling it up with water. He quickly drank it and put the glass away. He slowly walked out of the kitchen but froze by the doorframe, staring out at the scene in front of him. Jay and Preston were making out again, this time more lustfully. Most the time, he'd just walk upstairs and ignore them. But today, he kept his eyes on them. He watched as Preston moved in Jay's lap, which caused Jay to moan quietly into the heated kiss. They kept kissing for a while until Preston pulled away and grinned at him. Preston then looked forward and made eye contact with Lachlan. He raised an eyebrow at Lachlan and Lachlan's face flushed bright red, quickly walking back into the kitchen. He covered his face with his hands and blushed more. "Oh noo.." He whispered to himself and sighed quietly. He stood there for a moment before moving his hands. He decided to just dart upstairs quickly before they could say anything. He took a deep breath and walked out of the kitchen. Both Jay and Preston looked at him and he froze for a moment. "Hey Lachlan." Preston said with a slight grin and Lachlan's breathing hitched quietly. So much for his plan. "Uh, hi." He mumbled awkwardly and walked towards the stairs. "Where at you going?" Jay's words made him stop and turn around. "To my room.." He said slowly and quietly. "Come join us on the couch." Jay said innocently. Lachlan sighed softly and walked back down the stairs, sitting down on the couch. The couple exchanged a look before Preston got off his lap and Jay moved onto Lachlan's lap. Lachlan's eyes widened a bit and he blushed more. "W-What are you doing?" He asked him quietly, his eyes wide. Jay grinned and leaned close to him. "Something both me and Preston wanted to do for a while now." He said innocently before kissing him hard.
Y eah I'm sorry. NOW FOR THE WORST ONE YET. Legit in my notes, I wrote this before the actual smut "Someone give me holy water h oly fuck." And "*sings* tAKE ME TO CHURCH.." I'm so sorry Jay and Lachlan. Jk I'm not.
"What the fuck are you doing in here? I'm suppose to be the only one hiding in this room." Jay said flatly and glared at the male. Lachlan rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I'm hiding from assholes. You?" Lachlan asked him and leaned up against the wall. "I'm hiding from my friends." Jay muttered and stared at Lachlan. Jay and Lachlan weren't exactly friends but they weren't enemies.They kinda hated each other and kinda loved each other. But both of them knew they would fuck the other in a heartbeat. They were currently at a party, not together of course, and they didn't have a friendly talk earlier when Lachlan accidentally poured his drink on Jay. Lachlan was wearing what he normally wore: Jeans and a black shirt. Jay was wearing a nice jacket, jeans, and a normal black shirt. "Well, fuck off." Jay said rudely. "No, I'm staying here." Lachlan said and glared at him. "Leave, asshole. I don't want you here." Jay hissed and glared at him. Lachlan stood up properly and walked towards him. "I'm not leaving." He said sternly. "Yes, you are." Jay said and gritted his teeth at him. "Make me." Lachlan said cockily to him and smirked, looking at him daringly. Jay grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him close, kissing him roughly. Lachlan kissed back and moved closer, his arms snaking around Jay's waist and harshly tugging him closer. Jay pulled away from the heated kiss for a moment, only so he could push Lachlan up against the wall. Lachlan gasped a bit and bit his lip, Jay holding him firmly against the wall. Jay smirked and kissed him roughly again. Lachlan grabbed Jay by his shirt and tugged him closer. Jay smirked and tugged on Lachlan's shirt, his shoulder now being shown a bit. He pushed Lachlan up against the wall more and bit down on his bottom lip a bit, tugging on it a bit between his teeth. A small whimper left Lachlan's lips and Jay smirked slyly. He went to slip his tongue into Lachlan's already opened mouth but Lachlan stopped him. They fought for dominance for a short while, Jay eventually winning and slipping his tongue into Lachlan's mouth. His tongue swiftly explored every inch of Lachlan's mouth, which caused him to whimper again. He pulled away and stared at Lachlan, smirking softly. "I want everyone to know that you're in this room, I want them all to hear you being pleased." He purred into Lachlan's ear and began to kiss his neck. He started to kiss around his jawline and moved down a bit, kissing the soft flesh. He kept kissing over his neck, seeing if Lachlan had a sweetspot on his neck. So far, only soft whimpers were leaving his mouth until he kissed a certain spot. Now a soft groan left his lips. He raised an eyebrow and kissed it again, which caused Lachlan to groan again. "Found it." He whispered seductively and began to make a hickey on his neck, on the spot where he groaned when it was kissed. Lachlan's breath quickened and he bit his lip hard, a bit louder groans leaving his lips. "Be louder." He ordered Lachlan and kept kissing on and around his sweetspot, sucking and biting every now and then. Lachlan moaned quietly, it would've been louder if he wasn't trying to be quiet. Jay huffed out a sigh and reached his hand down, quickly slipping it into Lachlan's pants and starting to palm him through his boxers. Lachlan gasped and moaned softly, tilting his head back a bit. It was silent on the other side of the door, the music being pretty low. Jay smirked and kept doing that for a while, soft, blissful moans leaving Lachlan's mouth every once in a while. Jay paused for a moment and stared at the man he has pushed up against a wall, grinning at him before kneeling down in front of him. He saw Lachlan's eyes widened and he smirked, swiftly pulling down his pants. He then pulled down his boxers and stared up at him for a moment. "Hope this is joyful." He said with a smirk and leaned forward, kissing his tip gently. He smirked when a quiet whimper came from Lachlan and he took his mouth around his tip. He bobbed down slowly, grinning widely. He gagged slightly but didn't stop, loving the sound of Lachlan moaning too much. He began to bob up and down, moving faster and faster each time. Lachlan moaned lustfully and loudly, his hands moving down and gripping onto Jay's hair. He tugged on it a bit as he moaned like a whore. Jay grinned widely and kept bobbing up and down quickly, swiftly swiping his tongue over his tip every now and then. "J-Jay, fuck." He moaned out blissfully and Jay couldn't help but smirk. Jay began to deepthroat Lachlan, who just kept moaning. Lachlan's eyes fluttered shut and he moaned more and more. Jay knew Lachlan was close, he could start to taste some of the precum. He smirked widely and began to roughly massage his tip with his tongue. Lachlan moaned loudly, crying out in pleasure as he came. He started to pant heavily and kept his eyes closed shut. Jay smirked and pulled away, swallowing and staring up at him. Lachlan slowly opened his eyes and him and Jay made eye contact, Jay smirking at him. Lachlan's face turned a bit red and he pulled up his boxers and pants, awkwardly standing there. Jay chuckled and stood up, staring up at Lachlan. He leaned up a bit and placed a small, gentle kiss on his cheek. "That was fun. We should do that again sometime. Expect maybe at one of our houses?" Jay suggested with a smirk before turning away from him and opening the door, walking out of the room. Lachlan just kept standing there, his face staying red.
GOD BLESS OMFG. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed four fanfics that involved Lachlan in all of them lmao. WHOOPS.

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