The Project

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Requester: Nyanpigz (it won't let me tag you! Sorry!
Prompt: Person A waited until last minute to complete all their weekend home so they ask Person B to pull an all nighter before Monday.
Ship: TBNRDuty
Genre: Fluffy
Warnings/Notes: I switch from third POV to Lachlan's POV after a while ^^; whoops. My bad. And no editing cause I finished this at almost 4am
Lachlan swore under his breath as he looked around his room, feeling panicked. He had forgotten to do his homework, and it was eleven at night. Not to mention it was for many subjects. Plus, some was homework from weeks ago. He had, a ton. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it, going to his contacts. He clicked on a familiar name and called them, putting the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" The voice answered and Lachlan smiled a bit, glad they weren't asleep. "Can you come over?" He asked and just heard in groan in response. "Why? It's eleven at night!" The person protested, but Lachlan smiled as he heard movement. "It involves homework." Lachlan murmured and the person groaned. "Again? Be there soon." He said and before he hung up, Lachlan said goodbye.

Ten minutes passed, and there was a knock on the door. He darted down the stairs, his mom asking if it was him. "Yeah." He said and opened the door, smiling widely at the male. His happy expression changed to shocked as he saw the male was in his pjs. "I'm staying the night." He said as he walked inside, smiling at Lachlan's mom. "Alright." Lachlan said, surprised Preston brought everything over. Preston walked upstairs himself and Lachlan slowly followed him, following Preston into his room. Preston dropped his bag into the bed and pulled out a textbook, also grabbing some papers. "History homework first." He ordered and Lachlan nodded, grabbing his own textbook and a pencil. "Yes, sir!" He joked and Preston rolled his eyes.

After at least an hour, I had finished most of the history homework. Preston said we needed a break, so I agreed. While he wore pjs, I wore baggy clothes. I stood up and stretched my arms up, groaning slightly. Preston also stood up and grabbed his wallet from his bag, motioning me to follow him. "We need snacks." He said and walked out of my room. I nodded slowly and followed him. He walked downstairs and put on some shoes, walking outside. I did the same and followed him. He ignored his car and started walking down the sidewalk. "Hurry up." He said to me and I grunted, glaring playfully at him. "Why are we walking?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. "It's good for our muscles!"

"But I'm tired." I whined and he laughed, walking to the closest convenience store. "Let's just get some snacks." He said as he walked inside, ordering me to go grab some chips. "How many bags?" I asked quietly and he paused. "Four." He said and walked over to the drinks area. I nodded and walked over to it, looking over the chips. I grabbed a bag of salt and vinegar, a bag of Doritos, a bag of barbecue, and a bag of party mix. I headed back over to Preston, seeing he had a case of energy drinks in one hand, a bag of gummy worms in the other. He nodded at me and walked over to the counter, placing his items on the counter. I did the same and the cashier gave us a questioning look as he scanned our items.

He said the price and Preston paid, grabbing a bag and handing me another. We walked outside and kept walking down the sidewalk. "You didn't need to pay." I said and he rolled his eyes, ignoring my comment. We arrived back at my house and he put some of the energy drinks in the fridge, handing me one as he grabbed one for himself. We headed back upstairs and he sat on my bed. "What do I get in exchange for helping you?" He asked me and I opened my drink, glancing at him. "Whatever you want." I declared and he laughed a bit. "Alright, I'll think about what I want." He said and took a drink from his own drink, placing it down on my bedside table. "Work time." He said as he picked back up the textbook. "Got it." I replied and picked up my own textbook.

Hours upon hours have passed, it being around four am. We were a third of the way done. Me and Preston were in my kitchen, waiting for a pizza to finish cooking. He insisted we needed more then chips to eat. All the gummy worms were gone, his fault. I was sitting on the counter, while he was leaning against it. "Pizza takes too long." I murmured and he rolled his eyes. "Duh." He said and I pouted a bit, jumping off the counter. "Do you know what you want from me yet?" I asked him and he hesitated. "I have an idea, but not yet. I don't know if you'd even do it." He said with a shrug. and I stared at him weirdly. "Whatever you say, Preston."

Seven am. All the homework was finished. "Thank you." I said tiredly as I stood up, my parents having already left for work. "Let's go and make breakfast." I said and pulled him out of my room, and down the stairs. He nodded and yawned, following me into the kitchen. I quickly made a pot of coffee and waited for it to be finished. "Let's have toast." Preston said and I nodded, grabbing two plates. Preston opened a cupboard and the jar of peanut butter, walking over to me. I grabbed the bread and jam, putting the bread into the toaster. . "Have you decided?" I asked him tiredly and grabbed a butter knife. "Decided what?" He asked and I laughed, leaning up against the counter. "What you want in exchange for me putting you through hell." I asked and he hesitated. "Yeah, but." He started, but I cut him off. "I'll do anything. You deserve it." I said honestly and he bit his lip.

I raised an eyebrow and went to ask him what he wanted, but was cut short. By a pair of lips on mine. He kissed me. I stood there for a moment, not knowing how to react. Then, the smart part of my mind took over. I kissed back and he moved closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. It still shocked me, that he would kiss me. Was this what he wanted? He pulled away after a while, a small blush spreading across his cheeks. "Sorry." He said quietly and I shook my head, smiling at him. "Don't be." I said and he looked down, not replying. "Was that what you wanted me to do?" I asked quietly and he shook his head. "No.. I was going to ask you to that winter dance.." He murmured and my eyes lit up. "Of course!" I said happily and he looked up at me, blushing a bit more. "Really?" He asked quietly.

I nodded quickly and smiled widely at him. He blushed and started leaning up again, going in for a second kiss. I closed my eyes and happily started leaning down. I waited for our lips to touch, but instead just heard the toast finishing and making a loud pop. "Aw, the toaster cockblocked us."
Requester: SuprNatalieFce
Prompt: ______
Ship: *takes deep breath* SkyloxMU
Genre: _____
Warnings/Notes: *your voice* "But Tyler! The chapter ends here!"
yes because I can't write SkyloxMU. IM SORRY NATALIE, SO SORRY <3 I'LL

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