Day 3: Veston + Jachlan Sin

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For today, I write poofless. And include a sinful Jachlan thing at the end... Sorry in advance for that
Requester: no one because y'all hate me or something
Prompt: Both Person A and Person B work as baristas at the same place. Person B has a major crush on Person A but is afraid of telling them.
Ship: Veston
Genre: Fluffy
Warnings/Notes: Have this cute thing. I never write Veston. It's 6am when I'm starting to write this, so let's see. It's 7am when I finish it. Well. Shit.
Preston lightly tapped his fingers against the counter as he hummed to himself, the coffee shop being nearly dead. Only a few people were seated in the shop, though they didn't draw attention to the two baristas. Only two of them were at work today, because of how dead it was. Though Preston did not mind, it gave him alone time with his coworker.

The hot Texas sun beamed down through the windows as they stood there, the other barista leaning against the counter, a bored look spread across his face. Preston watched him, trying not to make it obvious. His coworker grabbed his phone and turned it on, looking at the time and biting his bottom lip slightly. A slight rush of energy took over as he looked over at Preston.

"Watch the place for a minute, I'll be right back." He said in a flat tone but Preston couldn't be bothered, the British accent filling his ears. Preston quickly nodded and he nodded back at him, walking into the back room. Everything about him, just made Preston love him even more. His dark mocha eyes, his brown complexion, and the darkness of his hair.

He was shorter then Preston, which was even better. Preston had a thing for short guys. His charming accent always sent shivers down Preston's spine, even though he looked bored or annoyed all the time. Preston had talked to him, and has even held a conversion with him. Sadly, they were boring. He doesn't blame Vik for finding everything boring. America was a boring place, and Texas was high up there.

Preston let out a small, exaggerated sigh. He hated this job. Besides his attractive coworker and free drinks, he had no reason to work here. He wasn't the best at making drinks, but he was decent. Meanwhile, Vik was perfect at everything. He made everything seem, so easy. He basically made life seem easy. When Preston would mess up on a drink, Vik would stroll over and fix it in no time. It was fascinating, seeing someone fix everything so easily. Even their boss found Vik perfect.

Preston shivered at the memory of his boss yelling at him, asking why he wasn't as skilled as the one who just started working there. He leaned forward and folded his arms, resting them against the counter. He frowned at the bad memory, hating when people yelled at him. He shook his head, wanting to get that out of his mind, and heard footsteps. He glanced to the right of him and saw Vik walking up to him. He stood up normally and blinked a few times, not knowing what Vik was going to say to him.

Vik stopped next to him and smiled softly at him, but something was different about this smile. "All the customers left, what did you do?" Vik asked in a sly tone, chuckling to himself as Preston quickly looked around the shop. Sure enough, they were the only two in the shop. "I did nothing! I think.." Preston said quietly, his tone being more gloomy then Vik thought it would. "You did nothing, I'm just messing with you." Vik assured and propped himself up onto the counter, sitting on the edge of it.

"We're not suppose to do that." Preston said in a soft tone, Vik just simply shrugging. "We're not suppose to do a lot of things I now want to do." Vik said coyly, Preston becoming wild eyed. He hadn't expected Vik to say something like that, and had no idea what he was suggesting. "Pardon me?" Preston asked him and Vik smiled slyly at him. "What? I've seen you staring." Vik sad coolly and Preston suddenly felt a rush of panic. "Sorry! I just, you interest me." He blurted out and Vik slowly raised an eyebrow, looking down at him. He wished Vik would get off the counter, he was less intimidating then.

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