Paper Written [part 1]

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Clever name, I know. Now, this is a collection of one shots I wrote on actual paper. Shocking, I know. Some are YouTube, some are ocs. You just gotta deal with it, fam. Some of these are so old tho.
And no editing like always
Ship: Jeston with platonic Jachlan
Prompt: "You make some interesting faces when you're in love."
Warnings/Notes: these first two prompts are written in a notebook, that has a prompt written on every page. So, yeah. A lot of writing. Anyways, most of these are v random and short whoops
Jay froze as he heard those words, glancing at his best friend. "What? It's true." Lachlan taunted and Jay blushed, quickly looking away. It was true, though. Jay was in love. "Shut up." Jay mumbled and reaching over and nudging Jay. "You're in love!" Lachlan teased and Jay huffed, looking  at the screen again. They were backstage at Rob's and Preston's panel. As Jay stared at the live broadcast, he ended up staring at Preston more.

Just the way he smiled, the way he shut his eyes when he laughed a lot. He was truly, beautiful. With his fluffy brown hair, and his shining eye. He lit up any room. "You're thinking about him again." Lachlan said with a chuckle, shaking Jay out of his thoughts. "What? No! Maybe." Jay said with a sigh, not being able to deny it anymore.
Ship: Platonic! Sam X Coco
Prompt: Pick up a random hook in your room; the last sentence in that book is the first sentence of this.
Genre: Random??
Warnings/Notes: I write about my gaybies a lot, okay. I love them sm. Anyways, here are the gay bros. the bffs
She was sure if it. There was no way he could have done it. "Do you believe me?" He whispered and she slowly nodded. "You do?" He whispered and his eyes lit up. "Of course. I care about you, Sam." She said with a gentle smile. His eye lit up more and he reached over, his arms wrapping around her curvy frame. "Thank you so much, Coco." He said happily and she rolled her eye, hugging him back.

"You're such a loser. You know that, right?" She asked him and Sam grinned widely. "And yet, you're still my best friend." He teased and she laughed more, rolling her eyes once again. "You're not wrong. I'm best friends with a huge loser." She said with a cute grin. "Love you too, Coco." Sam chimed in and Coco laughed more, smiling to herself.
Ship: Jay X Whoever you want
Warnings/Notes: I rlly like writing about dance schools, ffs. This is also where y'all find out I suck at writing people dancing. Just imagine them doing the most dumbest dances. ANYWAYS. Pick whoever you want for the other dude tbh
Jay walked into the gym, loud music filling his ears. School dances, were quite strange. But, this wasn't his school. It was his rivals school. They were having a masquerade dance, so it was easy to sneak in. Jay grinned to himself as he saw some others from his school, standing by the punch bowl. Jay knew it was then, because they all agreed on red masks. So, it was easier to find each other. Jay walked over to a table, leaning up against it and scanning the crowd. No one stood out to him. His thoughts came to a stop as the song changed, someone new walking into the crowd. They wore a white mask with black gems on it.

He began dancing to the music, people crowding around him. Jay stood up normally and started heading towards the male. Both of their schools were dance schools. So, he had to see this. He watched him dance and steppe into the circle. The male stopped dancing and stared at Jay, who started to dance. Better then the other male. People cheered him on and Jay stopped dancing. He smirked at the other male, his mask not covering his lips, and walked out of the circle. The other male followed him and grabbed onto his arm, Jay looking at him. "Who are you?" He asked and Jay chuckled a bit. "Don't worry." He simply replied and walked off, confusing the other male.
Ship: None. Just two random one shots
Prompt: 'Creepy' and 'Party'
Genre: creepy?? and party??
Warnings/Notes: These were on the same page; so I keep them together. Both are v short, okay. The creepy one isn't at all creepy whoops

A soft sigh fell from her lips as she walked down the hospital hallway, her hands shaking as she moved. Her breathing was slow paced, almost too slow. Everything about her screamed 'slow.' She walked and breathed very slowly. They were almost in sync. Almost. She paused her movement as she approached a door, the number '361.' She weakly grabbed the doorknob and pushed it open, slowly stepping into the dark, and cold room.


The music was blaring, ringing through everyone's ears. My thoughts were louder, however. The two sides of me, battling against each other. One wanted peace and quite, to just go home and take a bath. However, the other side wanted to stay and party. It wanted to drink my life away and forget all the problems in my tiny head. That side was winning. I moved though the crowd, making sure not to bump into anyone. That'd just end badly. I headed into the kitchen and smiled sadly. 
Ship: This was suppose to be two shared oc's together but I added no names, so hey
Prompt: high school motherfuckers  
Genre: Gay and random 
Warnings/Notes: this was suppose to be about a shared OC who I love a lot but pretend I hate him. he's a pretty boy
He walked down the hallway, an emotionless look over his face. People moved out of the way as he walked by, a  backpack slung over his shoulder. A beanie held back his messy hair, which poked out a bit. He wore old jeans a lazy pullover sweater over his small frame. He walks over to his locker and grabbed his lock, lazily putting in his combo. He pulled off his lock and looked in his locker for a moment, grabbing his English textbook and slamming his locker shut.

He locked it again and turned around, narrowing his eyes at the people who dared stare. They all looked away and he huffed, walking away from his locker. "Someone's cranky." My friend said and I nodded in agreement. Though he was cranky, I couldn't help but find him beautiful. He was a huge asshole, yes, but I liked him for that. He was beautiful. He was so fucking perfect.
Ship: man X snow
Prompt: none. But the title is 'winter wonderland'
Genre: snow
Warnings/Notes: I wrote this at my grandmas when I was v bored, okay
With a soft smile, he set out. His steps sounded heady against the hard wood floor. His breathing was slow and quiet as he walked, his hand slowly wrapping around the doorknob. He pushed open the door, boots already on his feet. He stepped out of his house and sighed contently, a frown on his lips. He walked away from his house, his feet crunching against the snow.

He slowly breathed out, being able to see his own breath. He smiled at that, having a love for the winter. Winter had always been his favourite. With the cold, the snow, the weather. He kept walking, loving the crunching sound the snow made beneath him. He hummed along to a song in his head, nodding his head along as well. He couldn't help but smile to himself, the winter making him happier.
Ship: Lachlan X Preston 
Prompt: let's rewrite sims
Genre: N S F W
Warnings/Notes: THIS ISN'T FINISHED BUT IT WAS GONNA BE HELLA SINFUL. I was gonna rewrite a thing that I wrote a long time ago, which involved a plane and porn. I wrote this before I knew Jay was a person. So enjoy this small thing. Let me know if you want me to finish this.
Lachlan looked out the plane window and smiled sadly. Him and Preston had been visiting and he loved it. Preston loved it too, but wasn't thinking about sad things. He was thinking about teasing Lachlan, like always. There was no one storm them, the nearest couple being two seats ahead.

He grinned and placed a hand on Lachlan's thigh, causing him to jump a bit. He looked at Preston and glared playfully. "Bad." Lachlan murmured and Preston just grinned more.
It says 'part one' cause the last one shot is written in the second part, cause it's way too long lmao

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