H3M: The War

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Requester: MYSELF AHHH
Prompt: H3M but, everything goes wrong. So wrong. (And is based off that fanfic I tried writing once lmao I wanna write it again!!!)
Ship: Hints at several ships 
Genre: Sadish. Plus minecraft au
Warnings/Notes: There is a POV switch in this, you'll know when. The media (if it works) doesn't make sense until you get to that part lmao. Enjoy. I'm so sorry for this omg but lol not really
I grunted to myself as I ran through the forest, pushing away tree branches as I did. He kept following me. However, he was quite behind me. I saw a large tree and stopped at it, quickly starting to climb it. I stood on a sturdy branch and held my breath, seeing him pass beneath me. He looked around, his bow drawled back. I heard him groan and he put his bow away, walking off. I waited until he was out of sight until I sighed in relief.

I'm an idiot, thinking I could go out to grab something without any weapons. I groaned as I climbed down from the tree and headed back towards the base, knowing he would be worried. Who is he, I'm talking about? None other then the bird. I quickly walked back to the base, which was hidden deep in a jungle biome. We couldn't have them find it. As I walked inside, the sudden loud voice rang through my ears. "What happened?" He asked me loudly, while I just chuckled simply. "Mitch chased me but I hid. The jackass." I said simply and he sighed softly. "Petey, be more careful." Choco warned and I brushed him off, walking down a pathway.

There was a reason why we had to hide. That reason, was simple. We were at war. I walked into my room and shut the door behind myself, sighing a bit. Sides were taken, fights had broken out, deaths have happened. The first death, that caused all of this, was Vaquxine. Also known as, our leader. He was found dead, and fingers started being pointed. Teams were formed. The blue team, and the red team. Cliché names? Yes. We called ourselves the red team, because it was 'more manly.' Or whatever the reasoning was. The other team said blue was a loyal colour, so that was their reasoning. They also said, we're red because the killer is on our team. They could be, but we're almost certain they aren't.

Blue team consists of nine people. One more then us. Well, they only have eight now. We have seven now, but I'll get to that in a minute. Blue teams leader was none other then Vik. He took charge, with Mitch and Rob right by his sides. Then you have Ali and Mat. Speedy and Sidearms. Brayden and finally, Nade. Each person on their team, had a special trait. Vik, was the leader. Duh. Rob was good with anything involving the outside world. Mitch, was good with a bow. The best out of both teams. And it goes on and on. Why did I say they only have eight now? Well, we killed one of their members. And they killed one of ours. Nade, was the one we ended up killing.

Now, the better team. Our leader is Lachlan, surprisingly. We're all aware of how clumsy he is, but that's what makes him special. Jay quickly went with Lachlan, of course. They go way back. Jerome also joined, which caused Preston to join the team. Landon and Kenny followed afterwards and then Choco. Choco joining basically confirmed my choice, though I was already thinking about joining red. The one who died on our team? Landon. As you can imagine, Preston has been having a rough time. Not only did someone he was related to die, his best friend is on the other team. Just remembering both of those days causes me to shiver.

Preston had picked red team first and looked at Rob with eyes full of hope, which then vanished when Rob walked over to Vik. It was rough seeing that. Not to mention that Rob and Vik are much, much more closer now. I think they're best friends, maybe even more. And then when Landon was killed. It was during a huge battle between the two teams. Someone from their team shot an arrow at Landon, and it pierced him through the heart. Now that, was brutal. We don't know who shot the bow, but the only ones who had bows were Mitch, Sidearms, and Ali. In a way, it was revenge for us killing Nade. But, the whole battle came to a halt when Landon collapsed and Preston ran over. That was the first, and for now, the only time I have seen Preston cry. Blue team watched Preston shake and cry out to Landon for a bit before escaping, leaving just us. Blue team took pity, it seems. They could've done more, because of how weak our team was at that moment.

As soon as Landon dropped and Preston ran over, I had moved to cover them. The other team had a look on all of their faces. A look I hadn't seen in a while. Guilt. I think it was because of how Preston reacted, and how young Landon was. Rob looked as if he wanted to run over and comfort Preston. I wish he did. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my door opened. I turned around and smiled as I saw Preston. Speak of the devil. "Hey." I said and he smiled at me. Landon was shot, over a month ago now. "Want something to eat? Choco made food." He said softly and I nodded, following him out. He lost his happiness. Well, he can still be happy. But, it's hard for him to always be happy now.

We walked over to the dinning area and I grabbed something to eat, nodding at Choco. "Thanks." I said simply and took a bite. Choco was kinda the mom of the group, if I'm honest. He has referred to himself as the mom, and said I was the dad. Because I always wanted everyone happy. Choco was more like a mom then I was a dad, though. He cooked, cleaned, and designed most of the base. Him and Jay did the last part actually. They made our entire base, and I think it looks beautiful. Almost everyone was in the dining room, expect Lachlan and Jay. He was always next to Lachlan, making him smile at his worst times. It was cute, I will admit. I'm curious as to what they're doing right now.

Lachlan was very tensed. I sighed quietly as I watched him practice. He wanted to get better. He wanted to beat Vik. "Lachlan." I said as he missed his target with his arrow, sighing again as he let out a loud groan. We were in our underground testing area. It was where we all trained. "Jay! I was close!" He groaned and I walked over to him. "Don't." He started. "I need to keep practicing! I need to win! I need.." He trailed off as I placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him this look. "Fine." He murmured and dropped his bow, causing me to smile and grab his hand. "Choco made food, come on." I said and pulled him out of the room. "I just, need to keep practicing." He whispered and I stopped in my place, frowning softly and looking at him.

"After what happened to Landon and all.. He was so young, Jay. He's dead now." I winced at his words, not wanting to remember that day. "Preston is broken now! Our team is broken." He said loudly and I stared at him. "So is the other team. Nade is dead, and Landon is dead. Soon? We all will." I said seriously, his facial expression changing. "We'll all die." I said and he squeezed my hand, sighing a bit. "I guess." He said in a defeated tone. "Practicing every day isn't important, okay?" I said and pulled him up the stairs. "Eating is." I added and let go of his hand when we were almost at the top, not wanting the others to see. "Thanks for stopping me." Lachlan whispered into my ear as we walked into the dining room. I smiled as I heard the others greet him, following him over to the table. They all greeted me too as I walked up to the table and grabbed some food.

I didn't know these guys that well, but from what I know? They are all amazing people. As are the ones on the blue team. I wish this stupid war would stop, I honestly do. It upsets me. If we worked together, we'd figure out who killed the leader. But, sadly. They aren't smart enough to think like that. Plus, I doubt either sides would apologize for the things they said. That would be a miracle.
Ships that were hinted at, if you didn't know:
Pete x Choco
Preston x Rob
Rob x Vik
Jay x Lachlan
I'm shipping trash, fam \o/

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