Live A Little. [PeteZahBo]

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Yes I made a one shot on Choco/KwehCraft x Brandon/PeteZahHutt.
This is kind of shippy? I don't know. It was suppose to be really shippy but idk what happened.
Also, first time writing Choco with someone! Hype!
Title: Live A Little.
Pairing: KwehCraft x PeteZahHutt.
Setting: The H2M world.
Type: AU.
Warning: A bit of swearing and gay content? I guess.
Quick summary?: Pete had decided to show Choco his secret vault, the vault that is almost impossible to get into.
Notes: They're both human in this. Choco refers to himself as a bird but he is human. Also, this was written while Brandon was just making the vault. So anything I say in this one shot, may not be true to what he actually did.
"Petey, are we there yet?" Choco whined as he pulled himself up onto the tree branch. Brandon chuckled at the older male and glanced around. "A bit more." He said, the older man groaning. Brandon had promised to show Choco his vault, trusting Choco completely. What Choco hadn't known, was that the climb to the vault wasn't fun. At all. "Next time, warn a bird if we'll be going hiking." He said jokingly, smiling when Pete laughed.

After a small bit of climbing, they got to the top of the tree. For some reason, Pete had made his vault on top of this tree. The tree was massive, it being far larger then any tree Choco had ever seen. He slowly stood up and stretched his arms, glad to be on top of the tree. "Look at that view." He heard Pete say, which made him look out. "Whoa." Choco said quietly as he took in the view. It was beautiful. "Now, time to go into the vault." Petes words made Choco look at him, seeing he was standing in front of a entrance. It had vines hanging in front of it and a sign being next to it. Choco took a step towards the sign. "Please no cyborg/night vision gear while in the vault." Choco read, laughing as he read it.

"I'm serious!" Brandon exclaimed, it causing Choco to laugh more. Following Petes wish, Choco took off any gear that would have cyborg or any type of night vision. "Thank you." He said with a small chuckle. Choco rolled his eyes and stepped through the small entrance. He immediately moved back, almost falling off the edge. "What the.." He mumbled as he looked down, just seeing darkness. "This is how you get into the vault!" Pete said happily, grinning a bit. "Petey, I'm not doing this." Choco said seriously, looking at him. "Come on, Choco! Live a little!" He exclaimed and nudged him over a bit. "No, fuck that." Choco said and stepped out of the entrance.

Pete pouted at him. "What if I hold your hand on the way down?" He asked jokingly, laughing a bit. "If you do that, I'll do it." Choco said simply, not thinking Pete would actually hold his hand. Choco felt his face heat up a bit when Pete grabbed his hand, holding it gently. "Now, can we go?" Pete asked with a grin, stepping forward. "F-Fine." Choco finally said, taking a deep breath. Pete grinned and pulled Choco next to him, both of them standing on the small block. "On the count of three, we jump." Pete explained to him. Choco nodded, feeling weak. "One.." Pete said slowly. "Two.." Choco closed his eyes for a moment. "Three!"

Choco quickly opened his eyes as soon as both of their feet left the block, both of them jumping forward. Pete grinned widely while Choco let out a girly scream. Choco watched with wide eyes as they both fell into darkness, not knowing where they're going. Suddenly, they hit water. "Oh.. my god." Choco panted, his heart racing. Pete leaned against the wall as he laughed hard, his body shaking a bit. "Your reaction! Oh my god!" Pete said between laughs. "You asshole! That scared me so much!" Choco exclaimed, stepping out of the water. He glared playfully at Pete, who just grinned at him. Pete stepped out of the water and both males walked forward, Pete still giggling a bit.

They walked up a set of stairs when they were greeted by an iron door. Choco glanced at Pete, who pulled out a piece of paper. The paper seemed to have something written on it, which Choco couldn't read. Pete walked up to a hopper and smoothly dropped the paper into it. Choco heard a click and the door opened. "Come on, lets go." Pete said simply as he walked through the door. Choco nodded slowly and followed him. They soon walked up more stairs, now facing another obstacle.

Pete walked up to the item frames and started to rearrange them in a certain way. Choco watched him until he heard a click, the wall he was standing next to opening up. "Damn." Choco said as he walked through. "Yeah, I don't want anyone in this vault." Pete started to explain but pause, glancing back at Choco. "Anyone but you." Choco chuckled and smiled at him. They kept walking until they arrived in a room, it being very dark. Pete flipped on a light switch, the room immediately lighting up.

In the middle of the room, there was a chest. "Okay, what did you want to show me?" Choco asked as Pete walked over to the chest, motioning Choco to follow. "What is in this chest." Brandon said softly, slowly opening the chest. Choco stared at him as he pulled out a few things, all seeming like normal objects.

"A sword, an egg, an axe.." Choco mumbled as he stared at the objects. Pete nodded and handed Choco a book. "Something very important is written in that book." He said seriously as he put the other objects away. "Oh? Like what?" Choco asked, opening the book. "My feelings for you are written in there." Pete said sweetly, grinning as Choco's face turned red. "Petey, you're so cheesy." Choco said with a small chuckle, taking it as a joke. Pete giggled and grabbed the book before Choco could read it. "Come on, lets go." He said softly, putting the book back. Choco nodded and they walked towards the exit together, talking and laughing like normal.

In the chest, the book sat there. Inside the book was written something important.

"I love Choco."

Tyler's Book of Oneshots And Au's.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon