Not The First [Leston]

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I'm screaming that moment in Preston's vlog (one about someone hitting his car)
"I'm not your first?"
"I'm not your first."
"Not in a long shot."
Lachlan u sly motherfucker
Prompt: What happened after Preston turned off the camera. (After the 'not ur first' comment)
Genre: Cute yet lowkey sexual??
Warnings/Notes: I literally squealed when I heard these okay bye
As Preston stopped the recording, he lifted his head up and glanced at Lachlan. Lachlan was quietly laughing to himself about the comment that had just been made.

"Soo, I'm not your first?" Preston asked him and Lachlan laughed once more. "Nope." Lachlan teased and Preston pouted, placing the camera down on by his coffee maker. He stood up properly and walked over to Lachlan, who was leaning up against the counter. Lachlan reached over and wrapped an arm around Preston's waist. "Was I your first?" Lachlan asked with a playful grin, causing Preston to giggle.

"No." He replied and Lachlan fake gasped. "How dare! Who got to you first? Was it Rob?" Lachlan joked and Preston let out a loud laugh. "If my first was with Rob, your first was with Jay." Preston teased and Lachlan rolled his eyes. "Alright, then I don't know who your first was."

The two had never, planned on hooking up. It just, happened. They did a wager challenge, like they have been doing, and Preston lost. Lachlan said he had to chug a beer, not knowing what else to give him. Preston agreed and did it. However, he got a bit too grabby. They both decided to not put out that video. With Preston being very, touchy, it resulted in them doing more then they thought.

"It was someone you'll never meet. I don't talk to them anymore." Preston said and walked past Lachlan, moving out of his grip. Lachlan pouted and followed him, hugging Preston from behind as he looked through the fridge. Preston rolled his eyes and shut the fridge, letting out a slight gasp as Lachlan suddenly flipped him around. "Whoa!" Preston exclaimed as he was pushed against the counter, not that hard though. Lachlan grinned at him and Preston smiled back at him.

"What're you doing?" Preston asked him, Lachlan having his hands placed firmly on Preston's hips. "Let's have some fun." Lachlan said eagerly and Preston let out another laugh. "Oi! Right here? In the kitchen?" Preston said and Lachlan just grinned at him. They had certainly gotten closer, that was for sure. They were always quite close, both being very open with how they liked the other. Most fans thought of it as friendship, while they thought of it as love.

"We can kiss, then we'll see." Preston said smoothly. Lachlan's eyes lit up for a moment and he leaned down, quickly connecting his lips with Preston's. Preston smiled into the kiss and kissed back, slowly closing his eyes as he did. He couldn't help but melt into the kiss.

Just over a few days, something has changed. They still did their bi-daily vlogs, they still had boring lives. However, now, kisses were exchanged when the cameras were off. The cheeky flirts they said in the vlogs, were serious now. Lachlan pushed Preston against the counter a bit, lightly picking him up and placing him on the counter instead.

Preston pulled away and stared at Lachlan, who was now at eye level. "Not bad." Preston said cockily, swinging his feet ever so slightly. "Oh, please. You loved that." Lachlan exclaimed and Preston giggled, jumping off the counter. "Oi, we have to get going to the gym!" Preston exclaimed and Lachlan pouted a bit.

"Aw.. Well, the gym is usually empty. We can have fun in there." Lachlan said with a wink, walking past and into Preston's bedroom. Well, now it's more so their bedroom. "Is that your thing? Sweaty males?" Preston called over as a joke, Lachlan laughing and calling back. "You know it, babe!"

Preston giggled a bit and walked by, grabbing his camera and smiling to himself. He knew Lachlan was leaving to Florida soon, and then back here with Mitch. That just meant less alone time. However, Preston still couldn't be more happier.

He walked into the bedroom and tackle hugged Lachlan, who stumbled a bit. "Let's go!" Preston said eagerly and Lachlan put him down and turned, kissing Preston on his forehead. "Alright. Let's head out!" Lachlan replied and Preston smiled widely. They weren't dating, yet, and nothing has changed. 'If we start dating,' Preston thought. 'No. When we start dating, I hope we stay the same.' Preston thought with a smile.

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