I'm sorry part 2

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Prompt: Soulmate au
Ship: Jay X Preston X Lachlan
Genre: Fluffy and au
Warnings/Notes: I don't even know guys. I saw that prompt for a soulmate AU and legit screamed. Here you fucking go. Kill me now
There must be a mistake. All his life, Jay was waiting for this moment and when it finally happens? Well, it's not what he was expecting. In Jay's world, when you woke up on your 16th birthday, a name would appear on your worst. Almost as if it was a tattoo. And now just any name, it was the name of your soulmate. It's quite stupid, honestly. What if you knew more then one person with that name? He had asked his parents this and they just looked into each others eyes, smiling widely. "You just know when you see them for the first time." Yeah, right. Now, on the morning of his 16th birthday, he woke up to a surprise. He first woke up and sat up, grinning softly. He then looked at one of his wrists, seeing nothing. Of course it would be on the hand he writes with. He rolled his eyes and looked at his other worst, excitement filling his body. His excitement drained when he saw it. There were two names on his wrist. One of the names were Lachlan and the other was Preston. "What? How can this be?" He mumbled quietly and bit his lip. He heard rumours about people who got two names on their wrists but he never believed them. Until now.
After that day, he couldn't stop thinking about those two guys. How did they look? Were they already dating? Where do they live? What are they like? His friends were all surprised that he got two names, teasing him about it a lot. He didn't find their jokes funny. At all. He also started wearing hoodie with longer sleeves, so his wrists would be covered at all times.
He couldn't find anyone with those names until his parents announced they were moving to a new city. He was happy, a new start. Him and his parents packed up there things into a moving van and left, leaving everything behind.

After unpacking everything into there new house, his mom signed him up for school. He would be going to a new school for grade twelve. It was already half way through September. When he arrived at the school, of course people whispered. "A new boy?" "Is he cute?" "Whose name is on his wrist?" He quickly made a friend, thankfully. Her name was Ashley. She was one of those people who knew everything about everyone, Jay liked these types of people. He sat down next to her in the cafeteria and listened to her gossiping and explaining. "That's Rob and Mat. They are soulmates and are so in love." Ashley said and pointed towards these two guys as they walked past. They were holding hands. Cute. She kept pointing to couples and saying if they were soulmates or not. "There is a couple here who have another soulmate but haven't found them yet. I'm actually friends with them and they really want to find the third one. Oh! Speaking of them, they just walked into the cafeteria." Jay turned towards the cafeteria door and his eyes widened, his jaw dropping a bit. There stood two males, who were holding hands and smiling. One was fairly tall and had blonde hair, also having glimmering blue eyes. The other had brown hair and brown eyes, plus he was a bit shorter then the other and was grinning widely. "Their names are Lachlan and Preston, Lachlan is the blonde and Preston is the other. They were best friends since like, grade 5 and then when they turned 16, they found out they were soulmates and hooked up. As I said, they have another soulmate but won't give out their name. Even to me, their close friend!" Jay stared at them in shock. No freaking way. Now he knows what his parents meant by 'you just know when you see them for the first time.' Wow. "Ashley.. I need to tell you something." He said as he slowly looked towards her. She smiled at him. "Alright." He glanced around and took a deep breath. "Just.. Look at this." He mumbled and slowly rolled up his sleeve, showing her his wrist. Her facial expression changed and she gasped. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed, which made a few people look over towards them with confused looks. He quickly pulled down his sleeve again, staring at a shocked Ashley. "You need to talk to them!" She exclaimed. "I can't do that!" He whispered and glanced back at them. To his surprise, he saw they were looking towards him and Ashley, mostly him. Fuck. He quickly looked back at Ashley, his face a bit red. This couldn't be happening. Ashley grinned at him. "I think they realized what you just did." She said with a wink. His face turned more red and he buried his face in his hands. People around them have started to follow Jay's and Ashley's gaze and listening to their conversation, starting to understand what was happening. "How does this even happen? Oh my god." He mumbled info his hands. "It's true love." She said with a wink, which caused Jay to groan. "Whatever, I need fresh air." Jay mumbled and moved his hands, slowly standing up. He turned away from the table and felt his face turn more red, a ton of people staring at him. He walked towards the door and paused by them, aka Preston and Lachlan. It looked like Lachlan was about to say something but Jay didn't give him the chance, quickly leaving the cafeteria and sprinting down the hallway once he was out of there. Ashley causally stood up and walked towards the two males, who looked just as shocked and embarrassed as Jay. "Let me guess, third name is Jay?" She asked with a grin and giggled. Preston nodded slowly and stared at her. "Jay is a very awkward guy so, good luck talking to him."

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