The Two Writers. ~A WTBudder FF~

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I'm so sorry.
This is for WTLeah and HeyThereElijah
This is revenge for writing those WTShippings and.. Whatever mine is Budder's ship name is in that one book okay.
Read this.
And ship WTBudder.
They're both gonna hate me.
#WTBudder is REEEAAL.
Leah sighed quietly as she glanced around the room. Tyler was sitting on a chair and was grinning at her phone while Natalie (aka Budder) was doing the exact same but on the couch. Leah's heart skipped a beat and she slowly walked over to Natalie. "Hey Budder? Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" She asked her nervously and Natalie looked up. "Alright." She said and stood up.

Tyler didn't even glance at them, being too busy. Probably watching porn or something. Both of them walked into the kitchen and Leah smiled nervously. This was a bad idea. Natalie was probably dating Tyler or even some other person on Wattpad. This was an awful idea. "Natalie?" She asked quietly and Natalie looked at her. "Yes?" She asked Leah softly. "Do you.. want to go on a date sometime?" Leah asked shyly and Natalie's jaw dropped. Leah quickly looked down, feeling awful. "Of course. I thought you'd never ask."

Natalie's words shocked her and she quickly looked back up. "You.. will?" She asked quietly, Natalie nodding quickly. "Yes! Of course!" She said and hugged Leah. Leah grinned and hugged the shorter one. Suddenly, Natalie kissed Leah...
On the cheek.
Leah smiled more and blushed a bit.
Suddenly, again, they heard a very loud voice say something. "YAS. WTBUDDERS IS REAL." They both quickly turned around and saw Tyler standing there, grinning widely. "Fuck off." Leah muttered and glared playfully at her. "You know what.. I'm posting about this on Wattpad." Tyler said with a grin before running off. "Ty no!" Leah yelled and Natalie laughed. "Just let her." She said with a giggle and leaned in, kissing Leah.
Properly this time.

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