Can I Play With Madness? [PeteZahBo]

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I watched Choco's newest crazier craft episode (Sacrificing PeteZahBae) and I just- Had to.
Ship: Brandon X Choco
Prompt: Choco is into dark magic and witch craft. Brandon is his newest test subject
Genre: fucking weird
Warnings/Notes: This isn't long at all but I just got this idea and had to. I don't even ship them that much, but I love this kinda shit. (No editing ftw)
Choco eagerly moved around his small office, grabbing many bottles and books as he did. He couldn't help but be so giddy and eager. Every time someone volunteered to be a test subject, it made his entire day. It was quite rare for someone to willingly volunteer but when they did, Choco couldn't stop smiling.

The knock at the door shook Choco, quickly placing down the bottles and books. He walked over to the door, passing by a mirror. He paused and moved back, fixing his messy hair in the mirror. He also fixed his lab coat, wanting to look perfect.

He pulled himself away from the mirror and went to the door, slowly opening it. On the other side, stood a male. Who almost perfectly matched the description Choco had gotten. A tall boy, who looked to be in his late teens. Having brown hair and eyes, he wore glasses over his eyes. He wore causal clothes, clothes you would normally see a teenager wear. "You must be Brandon." Choco replied in his mature tone, which made the boy nod.

"Feel free to call me Pete as well." Brandon replied as he stepped inside, shutting the door behind himself. Choco was surprised by how straight forward this male acted, but didn't let it bother him too much. He told Brandon to follow him and lead him into his lab, telling Brandon to sit on the chair. He nodded and plopped himself on it, Choco grabbing his clipboard off the table. He then grabbed his pencil, which was resting between his ear and head.

"Brandon, you are aware of what you agreed to, correct?" Choco asked him and Brandon nodded smoothly, simply shrugging when Choco asked why he wanted to do it. "Why not." Brandon replied truthfully and Choco slowly nodded, writing down everything Brandon replied with. "Do you still wish to go through with this?" Choco asked him, glancing up from his clipboard.

Brandon paused, having to think for a moment. "If such a handsome man, such as yourself, is going to be doing it, then of course." Brandon replied and Choco paused, his eyes staring Brandon up and down for a short moment. "That's quite a bold statement." Choco commented and Brandon slowly grinned at Choco. "I like being bold, Choco." He commented, Brandon obviously learning his name before he had came here.

Choco rolled his eyes slightly, adding in an extra note. "What motivated you to do this?" Choco asked and Brandon let out a low laugh. "Isn't that the same question you asked?" He questioned and Choco glanced up from his clipboard. "No. Please answer." Choco said seriously and Brandon thought for a moment, a puzzled look spreading over his face for a few brief moment. The expression changed and he made eye contact with Choco.

"Everyone said people like you were madness. So, may I play with madness?" Brandon asked smoothly and Choco couldn't help but let out a short laugh. "You didn't answer the question, Pete." Choco murmured, using the nickname of his. "I answered it well enough!" Brandon had protested. "Also, I could stare at your eyes for hours." He added in and Choco didn't reply, instead writing down that his new test subject was flirty.

Choco kept asking Brandon questions, which left Brandon to reply in a flirty or smooth way. "Last question. Why do you insist on flirting with me?" Choco asked seriously, raising an eyebrow at the other male. Brandon thought for a moment, a small smile crawling over his lips. "Beautiful people deserved to be treated nicely. I try my best to be a nice person, flirting just comes with it." Brandon answered truthfully, which caused Choco to slowly lower his clipboard.

"That was the best answer to any questions I asked you. I hate you." Choco muttered, a smile growing over his own lips. Brandon let out a loud laugh and grinned at Choco. "Good. Now, want to start testing on me?" Brandon asked Choco, his grin growing wider with every word he said. Choco placed down his clipboard, placing his pencil next to him. "We'll start small, but yes. I believe you are ready." Choco said with a nod.

Brandon nodded along with him and asked if he should take off his glasses. "For now, leave them on. They suit you and make you look cute." Choco said, adding in the last part quietly, which caused Brandon to grin more.

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