Day 12 pt 2: H3M + A Christmas Gift

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Requester: l m a o
Prompt: let's write some of my how to minecraft au
Ship: \o/ (kinda Vik X Whoever has the POV lmao)
Genre: Badass
Warnings/Notes: Who's your favourite member of red team? That's whose POV it's in lmao
I grunted under my breath as I ran through the forest, finding a tree and quickly climbing up it. "Bad idea, red! You should never attack our base alone." The British voice called out and I sighed under my breath, climbing higher up. I hadn't planned on attacking their base. It just, sorta happened. "I didn't plan on doing it!" I called back down, my voice sounding slightly desperate. I was out numbered. By, a lot. "Too bad." Another voice called and I let out a squeak as a sudden arrow pierced the wood next to him. I quickly climbed to the top of the tree and jumped down to another tree, landing on top of it. I kept doing that. Footsteps underneath me and footsteps following me, we're all I could hear.

I cursed under my breath and grabbed my sword from my belt, whipping around. The two people following him stopped and one of them laughed. "What's your deal, red?" The male asked with a grin, which caused me to grit my teeth. Ali and Mat. "Just go, I didn't mean to attack your base. It was all an accident." I said slowly and started backing up, knowing Mat had tricks up his sleeve. I kept backing up, Ali and Mat just moving forward with every step I took. Ali had his diamond sword pointed towards me, while Mat still had his in his belt. That made me be on edge. "Fine," Mat said and Ali seemed surprised, letting his sword drop. "Really?" I asked him, biting my lip to hide my smile.

"Sure. Have fun." Mat said and reached out for his belt, grabbing a redstone torch. Confusion spread across my face, but it quickly went away as Mat then pulled out a piece of TNT. He quickly threw them both onto the tree top, kicking the TNT over to me after it was lit. I panicked and quickly jumped off of the top, the blast still hitting me and causing me to miss the tree top. I grunted and fell for a short while, reaching out and grabbing a tree branch. I tried pulling myself up onto it, letting out a gasp as someone grabbed onto my foot and yanked me down. I let go of the branch and closed my eyes tightly, letting out a groan as my back hit the grass. It caused me to drop my sword as well. Which I quickly tried to reach for, though my eyes were still closed, but it was just kicked away.

Footsteps got closer and I knew I was surrounded. I didn't want to open my eyes, nor try and move. "Open your eyes." A voice said and I sighed, slowly opening them. Sure enough, all five of them surrounded me. Mat and Ali got down here quick. Ali had his sword resting over his shoulder, while Mat held onto a redstone torch with a mischievous look on his face. Mitch had his bow drawn back and had it pointed at me, which caused me to panic more. Rob had his sword out but had it pointed towards the ground. Then, you get the leader of it all. Vik. He had his sword pointing towards me and his bow on his back. He had an emotionless look on his face.

"Look, I didn't intend on attacking your base. I was lost and stumbled upon it. I'm sorry." I quickly said, knowing they could easily kill me. Vik raised an eyebrow and moved his sword, it now being held against my neck. "Repeat that." He ordered and I gulped. "I didn't intend on-" I let out a squeak as he stepped on my foot hard, rolling his eyes. "Just the last part." He said and I nodded slowly, gulping once again. "I'm sorry!" I repeated and Vik moved the sword away, putting it on his belt. The others followed his movements and put away their own weapons. "We'll let you go. Just this one time." Vik said and reached down, grabbing my hand.

Rob picked up my sword and handed it to me, which caused me to nod and quickly thank them. "Thank you. I'm sorry for causing a stir." I quickly said and Vik just chuckled, starting to walk off. The others followed and I watched them leave, my heart pounding quickly.
For: TurqDownForHutt Happy Holidays, you nerd!
Ship: Jaydon. Aka the ship they came up, Landon X Jay
Genre: ???? Cute ????
Warnings/Notes: you wrote that Ouija one shot, now imma write a ghost one. Kinda inspired by the short animation on YouTube, Welcome To Hell. (Go watch it, it's great!)
"Landon! Stop ignoring me!" The voice echoed through the full room. But only Landon could hear. He ignored the voice and the male groaned, floating down in front of Landon. "Ask to go to the bathroom! Then talk to me." The voice said and Landon let out a sigh, raising his hand.

After leaving the room and walking to the bathroom, Landon let out a loud groan. "Jay, you can't follow me to school." He said seriously and Jay pouted, floating down and standing properly on the floor. "Why not? Only you can see me!" He exclaimed and Landon rubbed his temples. "Exactly. I can't talk to you." He said slowly and Jay pouted, switching forms and leaning close. Landon didn't notice he switched forms, now anyone is able to see and touch Jay. Now, Landon can touch Jay. "But Landy. It's boring when I'm home alone!" Jay whined and Landon let out a long sigh.

"I don't care." Landon said and went to leave, Jay grabbing his hand and pulling him close. "I care! I love you." Jay said with a grin, Landon blushing deeply. Landon pushed Jay away and Jay just let out a laugh, pouting more. "Babe, don't be like that." Jay teased and walked over to him, Landon letting out a grunt. Jay has been 'haunting' Landon for almost a month now. It was weird at first. Now? Landon gets use to it. It's nice, having his own little friend. He would never admit that, however. "Love me." Jay whined loudly and Landon bit his lip, hiding his smile. "No. Never." Landon teased him and Jay pouted more.

Jay's mission was to get Landon to, well, kill himself. He was doing an awful job at that. Instead of making him hate himself, he fell for the male he was suppose to hate. "At least like me?" Jay asked with a slight smile and Landon let out a laugh, pushing Jay over. "Fine. I like you. Now, switch forms. I need to go back to class." He said and exited the bathroom. Jay's eyes lit up and he quickly switched forms, floating after Landon.

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