Mini Fanfics

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Yeah. This is a thing.
First is my trash ship ot3.
Ship: Jay/Preston/Lachlan (Kinda)
Genre: Fluff
Prompt: Person A and Person C both love Person B but hate each other, always fighting over Person B. Person B is out of the house when the heater breaks and A and C have no choice but to snuggle to keep warm.
It was useless. No matter what they tried, they were still cold.

It was a cold, winter night and the heater just happened to of broke. Lachlan currently wasn't home, being on a trip. He was on his way home, though. Both Jay and Preston had crushes on Lachlan, but hated each other. They constantly fought over him, which Lachlan was clueless of. Well, Lachlan had a crush on both of them and obviously showed it. But had no clue they fought over him.

Normal people would put on a ton of warm clothes and wrap blankets around them. The problem was, both these boys aren't use to the coldness. Preston was from Texas, while Jay was from Australia. Jay wore warm pjs, but he was still freezing. Preston wore long sweatpants and a fluffy hoodie, but again, was freezing. Both males sat in the lounge, sipping hot chocolate in silence.

They shared the blanket but were on opposite sides of the couch, not speaking. Preston finished his hot chocolate and glanced over at Jay, biting his lip. They're gonna freeze at this point, if they keep this up. Preston took a deep breath and moved down the couch, sitting right next to Jay. "What are you doing?" Jay muttered and looked at him. "We're gonna freeze. We should keep close." Preston awkwardly said, Jay blushing but nodding.

They both sat there, not moving for a moment. Jay signed and wrapped an arm around Preston's shoulder, which immediately made him feel more warm. Preston blushed and cuddles up against him, wrapping his arm around Jays torso. Jay quickly finished his hot chocolate before pulling the blanket over them, holding Preston tightly. Preston smiled as the blanket went over their heads, moving onto Jays lap and snuggling against his chest.

"You're really light." Jay mumbled as he hugged Preston, holding him against his chest. "And you're really warm." Preston mumbled into his chest, nuzzling into his neck. Jay chuckled and kissed Preston's cheek, holding him tightly.

They stayed like this for a while, both falling asleep like this. The next morning, Jay woke up but felt warm. Too warm. It took him a short bit to realize something: The heater was on. How? Confused, he glanced down and saw Preston was still asleep. "Oh! You're awake!" A sudden voice said and Jay looked up, seeing Lachlan in the doorframe. His face turned red and Lachlan giggled. "Got the heater fixed. And you two look adorable like that." He said with a wink before walking off, Preston just cuddling closer in his sleep.
Yeah that's cute.
Ship: Lachlan X Someone ;)
Genre: Fluff
Prompt: "We're stuck in an airport because of a storm and I'm scared of thunder" au
I frowned as we were told the flight was gonna be delayed because of a storm. I sighed and sat down against the wall, grabbing my phone. Why not waste some time? Me and my class were doing a senior trip and well, the flight was gonna be delayed. The teacher told us all to sit down and relax. I was just gonna do that until I heard a loud crack of thunder. I froze and quickly looked around, no one else seeming bothered by it. I began shaking a bit and moved down the wall, wanting to not be noticed.

I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face in them, sniffing. After another loud crack of thunder, which caused me to cry out, I heard a voice. "Lachlan?" I glanced up and saw another student. Well, a friend. We were kinda friends, we've spoken a few times. He sat down next to me and I felt nervous. "Are you okay?" He asked me and I opened my mouth, another loud crack of thunder hitting.

I squeaked and jumped a bit, quickly shaking my head and leaning up against him. Okay. He must think I'm a baby. I felt arms wrap around me and I was pulled against his chest. "You're scared of thunder?" He asked  me and I nodded weakly. He pulled me close and I buried my face in his chest. "I-I'm sorry, I'm a baby." I mumbled quietly, starting to cry.

"No. You're strong, don't worry." He cooed and I sniffed, glancing up at him. "T-Thanks, Vik." I mumbled weakly and he laughed. "Hey, what are friends for?"
Hope you enjoyed! :)

Tyler's Book of Oneshots And Au's.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon