Day 2: Flyin' High

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Day two of this!! Wooo!
Theme I Choose: Visiting
Genre: Adorable
Prompt: Preston comes and visits Lachlan on his birthday (with the help of Lachlan's bff)
Warnings/Notes; Every ship with Lachlan /needs/ platonic Jachlan for me to like them even just a bit. Sorry if this is shorter!! But I hope y'all still like it!!
Preston sat on the airport bench, a slight yawn falling from his lips. He glanced around and only heard a sea of Australian accents around him. Nothing else.

Tomorrow, was going to be his boyfriends birthday. Lachlan was turning twenty two. Preston smiled to himself and kept staring at his suitcase. However, he made it a surprise he was visiting Lachlan. He told him he wasn't able to come down, when in reality his ticket was already  booked.

However, this was Preston's first time being here. So, he needed some help. He had thought long and hard about who could help him. The answer was simple.

He saw the male and stood up, walking over and rolling his suitcase behind him. He noticed him back and smiled at Preston. "Hi Jay, thanks for picking me up." Preston said with a wide smile and Jay laughed. "No problem!" Jay said and lead him out of the airport, chatting with him along the way.

Preston hadn't recorded much with Jay, actually. Jay was still very sweet to him, though. I guess he knew how much Preston cared for Lachlan, and wanted to treat him nicely. Jay cared for Lachlan just as much as Preston did.

Jay drove Preston all the way to Lachlan's house and stopped outside of it. "He's here. Just go up to the door and knock." Jay said and Preston nodded, stepping out of the car and grabbing his suitcase from the back. It was slightly chilly in Australia, actually. Well, it was summer on America, so it would make it winter here.

He walked up to the door, pulling his suitcase along et him. Lachlan had a fairly big house, that just looked beautiful. Preston had seen it in vlogs, but seeing it in person was so much more surreal.

He took a deep breath and lightly knocked on the door, wondering how Lachlan would react. They have been dating quite a while and were even out to the fans. Preston smiled at the thought and the door opened, Lachlan standing there.

His eyes went wide and he suddenly hugged Preston, it feeling almost like a tackle. "Preston!" He exclaimed and Preston was snapped out of his thoughts. He quickly hugged back, not bothering to hold onto his suitcase anymore. "Hey, baby. I'm here for you." Preston murmured and Lachlan held onto him tightly.

"You actually came! Thank you so much!" Lachlan said happily and Preston let out a quiet laugh. "Anything for the best boyfriend ever." Preston said, it coming off as more cheesy then he had intended.

"I love you so much." Lachlan said with a laugh and Preston smiled widely at him. "I love you too." He replied and Lachlan leaned down, kissing Preston softly. Preston flushed, remembering they were still outside, but happily kissed back. Pulling Lachlan close to himself.

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