Death Seems Better Then The Migraine. [Poofless]

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This is for OreoPoofless
1) God damn it.. this song is deep and sad BUT ALSO GOOD
2) I really hope you enjoy this
Pairing: Poofless (though it's kinda more just Preston...)
Genre: Angst/Sad
Word Count: 2169
Song: Migraine, by Twenty One Pilots
Warning/Notes: Trigger warning: This is.. wow. This may trigger you, read at your own risk. Please. It is also unedited, so yeah. Sorry for spelling errors or bad grammar. I also went too far with this. I just, got into it.

ALSO: Would anyone want a part two of this? Let me know~ I'd be down for it. I'd have to find another song though
Am I the only one I know,
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?
Shadows will scream that I'm alone.

I sighed to myself as I walked into my condo, kicking off my shoes and putting my jacket away. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and let my mind wander, as I trudged down the hallway.

Dark thoughts began to fill my mind as I walked into the recording room, sitting in front of the computer. My eyes lit up slightly as I saw I had a Skype message. I put my headphones around my neck and placed my hand on my mouse, moving it over and clicking on Skype. The message popped up and I smiled gently.

RobADobFlob: Wanna record? I found a sick map we could do

I quickly began typing out my reply, the message being sent ten minutes ago.

Plebston: Of course. What kind of map it is?

RobADobFlob: A parkour/adventure map! I'll call you right now and explain it! :)

I smiled more and put my headphones on my ears, my smile disappearing as the voices began.

He doesn't care for you. He's using you for views. He hates you..

The voices went on as my Skype began to ring. I faked a smile and clicked accept, the Canadian accent filling my ears.

I've got a migraine and my pain will range from up, down, and sideways,

We were halfway through the recording, when my head started to hurt. "Rob, I can't do this." I managed to mumble and he stopped talking, going silent. "You okay, Preston?" He asked and I shook my head, putting my head in my hands. The voices got louder and I had to lie to him.

"Y-Yeah, maybe a nap will help." I muttered and Rob sighed softly. "Okay. Go take a nap." He said and I groaned, stopping the recording. "Alright, see you later." Rob said and the call ended.

I threw off the headphones and buried my face in my hands, groaning as the pain got worse.

Thank God it's Friday 'cause Fridays will always, Be better than Sundays 'cause Sundays are my suicide days.

I groaned as I laid down, my head still killing me. A day later. I grabbed my phone and looked at a text message.

Feel better soon<3

From Rob.

I smiled weakly and held the phone close to my chest, taking a deep breath.  I ignored the voices for once, just thinking about Rob.

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