Day 7: TBNRDuty

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Requester: OreoPoofless \o/
Prompt: Cafeteria food fight
Ship: TBNRDuty. With a side of Best Friend! Jachlan (I know you ship it. We need some side Jachlan with any Lachlan ship. They're a pair, best friends 4 lyfe)
Genre: Fluffy
Warnings/Notes: I LOVE WRITING FOOD FIGHTS. THIS IS MY AESTHETIC. It's like a mini food fight but whatever, still great. (And I went with the 'rivals to lovers' theme)
Lachlan walked into the lunch room with his best friend, Jay. It has been a long day, and all Lachlan wanted to do was sit down and eat lunch. A long day that included a test and just stressful schoolwork. Jay glanced at Lachlan and informed him that there usual table was full, saying they'd have to sit somewhere else. Lachlan shrugged and said he didn't really care, saying that anywhere would be fine. Jay nodded slowly and guided him and Lachlan over to a table, Jay leaning over and whispering something to him. "Their table is right by this one. You okay with that?" Jay asked quietly and Lachlan nodded slowly, knowing he had no other choice. They both sat down, placing their trays on the table.

The people Jay was referring to were, people Lachlan use to be friends with. There was five of them. They were all great friends in middle school and at the start of high school. Then, Lachlan and one of them got into an argument and haven't spoke since. The one he got into a fight with? Preston, who was usually the most cheerful one. They all took Preston's side, which caused Lachlan to just stop talking to them. Luckily, he still had his best friend. As they sat down and got comfy, Jay whispered to Lachlan, saying they were staring. "Let them stare, I don't care." Lachlan said flatly, Jay nodding and starting to eat his lunch. Though Preston was the most cheerful one, he was also the most mischievous one.

As Jay and Lachlan talked normally, a piece of food came flying over and landed on the table. Jay squeaked at the sudden food, which was a piece from a sandwich. It had mustard on it. Gross. Lachlan's back was turned towards them, so only Jay could see their reactions. Lachlan could hear them laugh a bit, however. Lachlan rolled his eyes and simply flicked the piece of sandwich away, not wanting to give them a big reaction. Jay gave Lachlan this look, whispering to him. "We could find somewhere else to sit." He whispered and Lachlan shook his head. "No, because then that means they won." Lachlan mumbled and Jay rolled his eyes, saying Lachlan was still childish like them. Lachlan stuck his tongue out at him and kept eating.

After a short while, another piece of food flew over and landed on the table. This time, being closer to Lachlan. Lachlan just flicked it away again and rolled his eyes, telling Jay that they were bad at aiming. Jay laughed a bit and Lachlan glanced back, noticing they were all focused on something. Lachlan leaned over and grabbed a French fry off of Jays plate, dipping it in kitchen. "Lachlan, no." Jay warned and Lachlan looked at them, aiming the fry and throwing it. It hit Rob on the shoulder and Rob made it clear he was hit by something. They all looked over and Lachlan smoothly turned back around, talking to Jay as if nothing had happened. "I swear to god, if a food fight happens.." Jay warned and Lachlan smiled playfully at him.

"Knowing them, it will. You'll be on my side, right?" Lachlan asked sweetly and Jay grunted at him, opening his mouth to say something. His eyes suddenly widened and Lachlan was about to ask what the big deal was, when something hit the back of his head. Lachlan froze up, feeling something slowly drip down the back of his head. As it dripped onto his neck, Lachlan realized it was mashed potatoes. With gravy, he was guessing. He heard loud laughter and a lot of people stared at him, Jay still staring at him with wide eyes. Lachlan gritted his teeth and slowly looked back, glaring as he saw Preston. Preston was standing up in front of the others, making it clear he was the one who threw it. Lachlan felt extremely annoyed.

He heard Jay say he wasn't worth it, but Lachlan wasn't having it. He was too annoyed to be bothered to use logic. The other people at their table seemed almost excited to watch, basically offering food to be thrown. Everyone wanted a food fight to happen. Lachlan wasn't about to disappoint. In one swift movement, he grabbed a plate, that was being pushed towards him, and walked up, smashing it down on top of Preston's head. He didn't actually look at the food on the plate, so a surprised expression came across his face as pasta sauce dripped down his face, spaghetti noodles sliding down his hair. "Whoops, my bad." Lachlan said and let the plate drop onto the floor, wondering why no teachers have stopped them yet. People around them looked, very excited. 

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