Day 1: Habits

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What is this? Well, I'm doing 7 Days of Leston, which I made up. I'll be writing Leston for 7 days, with themes and all. All the shit n all is in my rant book, but I'll put the theme list here. You can do both themes, or pick only one! Up to you. Also, anyone is free to do this with me! All days will be 500 or up long!!

Day 1: Hot | Nervous
Day 2: Visiting | Cuddles
Day 3: High School | Makeup
Day 4: Camping | Books
Day 5: Picnic | Stuff Animals
Day 6: Dress Up | Video Games
Day 7: Wedding | Sleeping
Theme I Choose: Nervous
Genre: Cute??
Prompt: Lachlan has a crush on his bff, Preston
Warnings/Notes; THIS IS GONNA BE A HELLA FUN WEEK. Italics means he's thinking. Bold is a tweet or a message. Also no editing hah
He bit his lip as he walked down his hallway, thoughts just clouding up his mind.  

Tell him.

Lachlan walked into his office and sat down at his desk, leaning back in his comfy chair. He grabbed his phone office his desk and unlocked it, clicking on the Instagram icon once he saw it. He waited for his feed to update and became scrolling, his scrolling coming to a halt once he saw Preston posted a selfie.

Preston always looked so happy, having his biggest smile on every photo of took. And when he was recording. He was just always happy. A cute smile spread over Lachlan's face as he liked his photo, going back to scrolling. After a while, he exited the app and went on Twitter instead. He began scrolling through all the tweets, liking a few of them here and there.

He saw a tweet from Preston that caught his eye, which quickly made him see what the person asked.

'Poofless or Leston?'

'Leston hehe'

His heart skipped a beat as he stared at Preston's reply, retweeting it without thinking. He began scrolling through the replies, frowning as most were against what Preston had said. He sighed to himself and exited Twitter, locking his phone and putting it back on the desk.

He put his hand on his mouse and clicked on Skype, having messages from various members of the pack. They were all talking about the trip to Ireland. He clicked on Preston's message first, swearing to himself.

'Want to hope on Skype for a bit??'

Lachlan quickly wrote out a reply, saying he'd love to. He paused and deleted it all, saying sure instead.

In an instant, a call request was sent. Lachlan was surprised and quickly put his headphones on, accepting the call.

"Lachlan!" Preston's always cheerful voice replied, which made Lachlan smile. They had facecam on, like always. "Hey Preston." He said back to him, trying to copy his cheerful tone. "Me and the others guys were talking about Ireland and all," Preston started. Lachlan nodded along to what he was saying.

"We already decided who will be sharing rooms with who, considering the bed situation." Preston said and Lachlan bit the inside of his cheek, nodding once again. "So. Rob and Jerome are going to be sharing a room, Mitch and Vik are, and then me and you!" Preston said happily and his heart beat sped up.

"Sorry you weren't win us when we decided. Rob said he'd room with Jerome, and Vik said he'd go with Mitch. Rob said I should room with you. So, I'm more then happy to be with you." Preston finished and Lachlan rolled my eyes slightly. Of course Rob said that, he totally knows about his crush on Preston.

The thing was, they don't know if there are two single beds in each room, or one double bed. All they know is, each room fits two.

"I'm hoping for double beds." Lachlan mumbled, thinking he had only thought that to himself. "Same here. They're bigger and all. Plus, you're so cuddly." Preston said with a laugh, Lachlan's cheeks turning a bright red. He had no clue if it was noticeable or not, he prayed it wasn't.

Preston laughed for a bit more before quickly changing the subject away from them sharing a bed. However, that one thought stayed in Lachlan's mind the whole time they talked.

They talked for almost an hour before deciding to try and record. The keyword, was tried.

Lachlan kept spacing out so Preston declared this was a scrap recording. Lachlan nodded slowly and switched back to Skype, Preston's face popping up. He looked, worried, almost. "Lachlan, what's wrong?" Preston asked in a serious tone, his cheerful tone completely vanishing. "Oh, um.." He mumbled and Preston sighed a bit. "What's on your mind?" Preston asked him seriously.

"You've just, been on my mind lately." Lachlan blurted out and felt his cheeks turn red again. Preston stared at him for a moment, not knowing what to say. "Well, then I'm glad we're sharing the bed in Ireland." Preston chimed in and Lachlan blinked a few times.

"Oh, right. We found out they were double beds. I decided not to tell you just yet." Preston said with a wide grin. Lachlan blushed deeply and let out a quiet laugh. "Of course not, you cocky cactus."

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