Unfinished one shot and a proposal

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Here is an unfinished one shot! I wished to finish it but sadly, nope. If any of you want to write it, go ahead tbh. Just tag me when ur finished ;)
Requester: me
Ship: Jachlan
Genre: au and fucked up
Warnings/Notes: ????
"Lachlan, they're worried about you. You haven't posted in over a week." Jay said with a soft sigh, tapping his fingers against the counter. Lachlan didn't look at him, instead he looked down at the floor. A baggy sweater was on his back, along with comfy sweats on his legs. "Jay?" Lachlan suddenly asked him, glancing up slightly. "What is it, Lachlan?" Jay asked with a sigh and Lachlan laughed slightly.

"Have you ever thought about killing someone?"

Jay walked down the hallway and bit his lip nervously, this place creeping him out. He thought they only existed in olden times and video games. Yet, here he was.

"Besides yourself, I mean."

An insane asylum.

Jay moved slowly down the hallway, the lights flickering above his head. This place was a lot more creepy then he thought it would be.

He walked up to the door and silently stepped in. Though he was so quiet, the woman's head shot up. "Here for Lachlan Power?" She asked quickly and Jay slowly nodded, gulping.

She motioned him to follow her into another room, which he slowly did. His heart pounded in his chest.
[Past this point may get NSFW]
Alright. I have a proposal.

So. Me and my meme supply (Ghooooul) were talking and well.

Me: fuck it can I just ship Jay with every male that breaths around him

Jesse: Yes

Me: oh thank god

Jesse: jeveryone (Jay X everyone)

Me: Brb, writing a thing with Jay X everyone

Jesse: Tensome

Me: I legit ship Jay with almost everyone in the pack uh shit

Me: Jay could literally go with anyone and it's golden

Jesse: Tru

Me: Honestly I will write a fivesome of Jay X people if anyone wants it

And now here we are.

It'd be Jay X Lachlan X Preston X Rob X Vik. Good luck on trying to make a ship name out of that.


If enough people want it (Jesse already does), I'll write it.

How it'll most likely be planned out:
They're on a ski trip (I kNOW JUST ROLL WITH IT) and Jay is all awkward (the useless bisexual he is), cause a lot of hot dudes. The guys all notice this and each one has their own special moment with Jay, the flustered homosexual.

And then idk. It'd end with a huge fuck fest I'm laughing

THIS CAN BE MY 3K FOLLOWER GIFT (I'm at 2.94K as I'm writing this)

But I refuse to write this unless people actually want it. Cause then there's no point. I get sad when no one comments on my one shots or something. So. Let me know 😂

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