Gay as fuck one shots

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I didn't know what to name this chapter.
But yeah, a few one shots (aka FUCKING SEVEN) will be in this chapter! Woooo. A lot of these are like, hella old so enjoy.

First is Rob and Lachlan (I WAS IN THE MOOD) and yeah enjoy
Lachlan grinned as he slowly snuck up behind his boyfriend Rob, who was currently doing the dishes. He held back a giggle and stared at him for a moment before starting to tickle his sides. To his surprise, Rob didn't really react. He just stopped moving and stood there. It took Lachlan a second to realize his mistake. Rob wasn't ticklish. Rob turned around to face him and grinned a bit, slowly starting to wiggle his fingers at him. Lachlan squealed and ran out of the kitchen, Rob quickly following him. He darted into the lounge and ran past the couch, wanting to run up the stairs. He was too slow. Rob tackled him onto the couch, Lachlan now being pinned onto the couch with Rob straddling his waist. Rob began to tickle him and Lachlan started laughing, hard. "R-Rob! Stop!" He begged between laughs and closed his eyes tightly. Rob thought for a moment and kept tickling him before pulling his hands away. "That'll teach you." Rob said with a grin, Lachlan panting a bit. "I thought you'd be ticklish!" Lachlan whined with a pout. Rob laughed and shook his head, leaning down a bit. "You're such a cute jag." He mumbled with a grin. "I may be a jag but you still love me."
Lachlan said innocently. "Of course." Rob whispered before kissing him gently.
That was so adorable I can't.
Next one is an awful Jay x Lachlan one y eah
Lachlan couldn't of been more jealous. It was the first time Jay had agreed to do a panel with him and his friends and it couldn't of gone worst. Well, the panel was fantastic but all too many people were flirting with Jay and complimenting him. The panel was with Lachlan, Jay, Preston, Rob and Ashley. Jay was very excited to finally be apart of a panel and Lachlan couldn't of been more happier for him. The thing is, no one knew the two were dating. Not even there friends. So Lachlan couldn't say anything when people were complimenting Jay and flirting with him. He just had to sit there and stay quiet. Jay had a smile on his face the whole time and would smile even more when people would compliment him. He would blush and say thank you to them. Lachlan didn't know why he was jealous from the compliments. He was very jealous from the flirting but the compliments? If anything, he should be happy Jay is loved so much. After the panel was over, Jay asked Lachlan if he could talk to him in private. Lachlan agreed and they walked through the convention building and outside. They walked down the sidewalk a bit before crossing the street and going into a park. They sat together on a park bench and Jay giggled at him. "You couldn't be more jealous, hm?" He asked Lachlan and kissed his cheek. Lachlan got a bit embarrassed and glanced around a bit. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He replied to him. Jay giggled more and wrapped an arm around Lachlan. "Don't worry, Lachy. I'm yours and yours only." Jay said with a smile. Lachlan felt a wave of relief run through him and he hugged Jay softly. "You better be. I don't like sharing."
I write a lot of shit with Lachlan in it. Lachlan you're shippable as fuck.
The next one is actually not finished and I never will finish it tbh. Just.. Take it.
Preston bit his lip softly as his fingers ran over the small box in his pocket. He was extremely nervous. His hands were shaky and he was pretty sure he was sweating. He fixed his hair while looking in the mirror and made sure he looked perfect. Or at least nice. He slowly walked out of his room and towards his door. He glanced around a bit before walking out of the door. He locked his door before walking down the hallway, moving pretty slowly. He walked up the stairs and down the hall once again, stopping in front of a certain door. Apartment number 17, which was on the 8th floor. He knocked on the door softly and waited. He stood there in silence until he heard a small voice yell 'come in!' He smiled widely and walked inside, shutting the door behind him. He glanced around and saw no sign of him. But he knew where he was. He walked down the small hallway and stopped at the door at the end of the hall. He took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping inside the room. Lachlan was sitting on the balcony, reading a book. He glanced up from his book and looked over at him, smiling widely. "Hello." He said before looking back down at his book. Preston smiled and walked over to him. It was late at night and all the buildings around them were lit up. He grinned and reached down, grabbing Lachlan's glasses off his face. "Hey!" Lachlan said and put his bookmark in his book, placing it on the ground and stood up. Preston giggled softly as Lachlan grabbed his glasses again. He put them back on and stuck his tongue out at Preston before leaning over the railing and smiling. He did the same and smiled softly. "The view is beautiful.." Preston started and grinned. "But not nearly as beautiful as you." Lachlan's cheeks turned a light shade of red and he shoved Preston over a bit. "Oh shush." He said with a small smile.
I told you it wasn't finished smh.
I actually really like the next one. It's an AU where your hair turns the colour of your mention. (Blue = Sad. Red = Mad, etc) so YEAH ENJOY.
Lachlan glanced down at his phone as he walked down the sidewalk. He was late for work. "Boss is gonna kill me!" He muttered and kept walking, still looking at his phone. Lachlan kept walking until he bumped into something, or someone, and fell down onto the ground. "Oh god I'm sorry!" A voice said. Lachlan sighed in relief, his phone safe in his hand. "It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going and-" Lachlan trailed off as he glanced up and saw who was standing in front of him. A tall male stood in front of him, his face was as shocked as Lachlan's. The males hair slowly began to turn pink, just like his face. Lachlan knew his hair was turning pink as well and blushed. The man quickly pulled his hood up, trying to cover up his hair. "Uh.. I'm sorry." The male mumbled and reached his hand out for Lachlan. Lachlan grabbed it and stood up, blushing even more. There was no way he could hide his hair so he was stuck looking like an idiot in front of him. They stood there for a moment in silence. Lachlan realized they were still holding hands and quickly let go. "My name is Mitch." The man suddenly said, after a long pause of silence. "My name's Lachlan. Nice to meet you Mitch." Lachlan mumbled.
Both of there heads were still pink, as were there faces. When your hair turns pink, it either means embarrassed or love. And frankly, Lachlan was feeling both of those right now. "Hey Lachlan, can I.." Mitch started to say something but slowly trailed off, his hair turning more pink. "Can you what?" Lachlan asked quietly, glancing at him. "Can I, uh, have your number?" He mumbled. Lachlan blushed but nodded slowly. He opened his briefcase and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, quickly writing down his number and handing it to him. Mitch smiled at him. "Thanks." He said. Lachlan smiled at him. There was a moment of silence, but this time it wasn't awkward. The silence was broken by Lachlan's phone ringing. He glanced at it and saw his boss callings. "Oh fuck. I have to go Mitch. Call me!" He said and ran off. He ran all the way to his office and ran inside. A couple people turned to look at Lachlan, who was panting slightly. His boss stood there, her arms crossed over her chest and her hair a bright red. "Why are you late?" She asked softly. "I slept in and then I ran into this guy." He said and looked at her. She sighed softly, her hair slowly turning back to her normal colour. "It's fine." She said and turned around, starting to walk off. "Oh and nice hair." She called to him. His eyes widened and he blushed, his hair still being pink.
The next one doesn't involve Lachlan oh shit. But hey, enjoy it
"Preston, I don't know what to do!" Rob groaned and collapsed onto the bed. Preston chuckled and got up, walking over to his bed. "What's wrong?" He asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Rob threw a pillow over his head. They were in a hotel room that they shared together, a day before minecon. Rob was quiet for a moment. "I think I like someone." He mumbled quietly. Preston raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Who?" Preston asked him with a smile. "That's not important.. I don't know how to tell them I love them." Rob mumbled quietly. Preston giggled and leaned over, moving the pillow away from him. "You just got to man up and tell them! And if they don't feel the same way back, ask if you can stay friends. If they do like you back, congrats!" He said with a chuckle. Rob smiled and slowly say up. "Thanks Preston. But I'm just scared to ask them.." He mumbled quietly and looked down. Preston placed a hand on Rob's shoulder, making Rob look at him. "Don't worry. You're a great guy and I'm sure who ever this is will say yes." Preston said softly. Rob smiled widely and hugged Preston tightly. "Thank you so much!" He said before letting go and standing up. "Who do you like, Rob?" Preston asked with a grin. Rob blushed a bit. "Do not tell anyone.." He paused for a moment. "I like Mat." Preston felt his heart sink. "O-Oh?" He said quietly. Rob nodded and smiled widely. "I'm gonna go tell him! Thanks for the advice!" Rob said and ran out the door, shutting it behind himself. Preston flopped down onto the bed and closed his eyes tightly. "Why would I ever think he would like me?"
Now back to a one shot with Lachlan lmao
Preston took a drink from his coffee, glancing at the clock every few minutes. "I did not get stood up by Rob.." He mumbled to himself and took another drink. A few more minutes had pasted when he finally realized that he was indeed stood up. He sniffed and hit his lip. Another male stood across from him and noticed he was there alone and kept glancing at the clock. The male slowly stood up and walked over to him. Preston glanced up at him. "Hello." The male said with a smile. Preston smiled back, the male having blonde hair. "Hi." Preston said quietly. "Mind if I sit here?" The male asked. "Oh, sure." Preston said with a smile. The male sat across from him. "My name's Lachlan. What's your name?" The male asked. Preston noticed he had an Australian accent. "Preston." Lachlan smiled at Hmm. "It's a pleasure to meet you Preston." The two males talked for a while, making Preston totally forget about Rob. Preston phone went off and he glanced down at it. To his surprise, it was a text from Rob. 'Sorry Preston. I won't be making it to the date.' He glanced back up at Lachlan, who was smiling at him. Preston glanced back down and quickly texted back. 'Don't worry, I found a better way to spend my day.' He put his phone away and kept talking to Lachlan.
Whoop I made Rob an asshole. Whoops. THE LAST ONE ISN'T WITH LACHLAN HO LY SHIT
"A month? That's a bit long." Mat said softly. Everyone he and Rob knew and recorded with a lot were all in a Skype call together. "You said you would do it!" Preston said with a grin. "Yeah but we didn't know it would be for that long.." Rob mumbled. There friends had dared the two males to pretend they were dating for a month. To trick the fans for fun. "Come on! Don't chicken out now!" Mitch said. "But.." Mat started but was cut off by Ashley. "Come on you guys! You promised!" She said with a slight smirk. They were all video chatting. He glanced at Rob through the camera, he wasn't talking a lot. He was quiet for a while, not knowing what to say. "Do it! It'll be fun." Lachlan said with a smile. "The fans will love it." Jerome added with a grin. "Sure it will." Mat mumbled and sighed. "Rude. I'm not that annoying!" Rob suddenly said with a chuckle. "No, I didn't mean it like that." Mat said with a smile. Everyone was quiet for a moment, waiting for Rob and Mat to say something. "I'll do it." Rob said, breaking the silence. Rob smiled and looked at Mat. "How about it, Mat? It'll be fun!" He said with a smile. Mat sighed and smiled. "Fuck it. I'll do it."
I'm such trash lol. Whoops. Legit all you can learn from my one shots is that I ship Lachlan with everyone and he is a bottom. Duh.
Okay maybe not the second one but that's obvious. Whatever, bye.

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