Something different

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At school, I was bored and wrote this for two oc's I have. So well, enjoy. Also; it isn't finish. Rip
"You must have an awful life."

Those are words I'm told almost every single day. By teachers, by my friends, even by my own parents. Those are words I just got use to hearing.

"Alex, get up!" I hear my mom yell as she banged on my bedroom door. I lay there motionless until I hear her groan and storm off. Then I get up. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and groaned at the harsh light. I stood up and glanced towards the mirror. I stared at myself for a moment before trudging over to my dresser. I open the draw and grabbed my usual clothes: A long sleeved flannel shirt and jeans. I also grab a black shirt to wear under it.

"You wear the same clothes every day!"
This is wrong. Yes, I wear similar looking clothes but the same? No. Not even close.

I grabbed a comb and began to comb my hair into place, it staying like it usual does. Up in a quiff, that's it. I hate doing anything with my hair. It's a complete waste of time. I grabbed my black bag off the chair and sling it over my shoulder. I let out a small sigh before walking out of my room. The house is quiet, only my mom and me being awake. I slowly walked downstairs and into the kitchen, forcing a smile. My mom saw right through it. She gave me this look, as if to say 'drop the fake smile,' and handed me a piece of toast. I frowned and took a bite from the toast, nothing being on it. I always found peanut butter disgusting, jam is too fruity, and butter is just gross.

"What is wrong with you? How can you not like anything on your toast?"

I sighed quietly and quickly finished my toast. I left the kitchen fast, not wanting to talk to my mother, and walked over to the front door. I pulled on my shoes and checked myself in the mirror one last time before opening my front door and stepping out, shutting it behind me. I hated my house.

"How can you hate your house?"

I slowly walked down the stone pathway and began walking down the sidewalk. I stared down at my feet as I walked down the sidewalk, sighing quietly as I did. I kept walking down the sidewalk until I arrived at school. Anadell High. I walked inside and felt eyes turn to me. I just kept walking forward, hearing people whisper words about me.

"He's wearing that? Again?"
"What's wrong, pretty boy? Still frowning like always?"

I bit my lip hard and kept walking, looking straight forward. I ignored their insults and went on with my day.

The only class I liked.
It made me feel free. I could draw and make whatever I wanted to.

I sat down at my seat, ignoring the teacher as she introduced the new student. I ignored her until she told the new student to sit next to me. Then I couldn't ignore him. I glanced at him, and saw he was already looking at me. Or well, my hair. He smiled widely at me. I just stared at him, staring at him blankly. He frowned and I turned back to my canvass.

"Why don't you smile?"

I shuddered at the thought and and frowned more, grabbing a paintbrush and starting to paint. "Hey." The male next to me said. I glanced at him before looking back at my canvass. His name was Sam, as the teacher said. "Hi." I said blankly and started painting. "You're Alex, right?" He asked with a smile. "Yes." I said with a frown. "I like your hair." I wanted to smile but didn't. My hair was teal, many people didn't like it. Sam's was reddish/pink. "Thanks." I said softly.

"Why do you only have one word answers?"

Sam frowned a bit and sighed quietly. "Why don't you smile?" He asked me seriously. I didn't answer and kept looking at my canvass. "Alex? Hello? Answer me." Sam said with a grin, staring at me. I kept ignoring him until I felt something wet on my hand. I glanced down and saw a purple strip of paint. "Answer me!" Sam said with a giggle. I grabbed my brush and painted a strip on his cheek, not answering him. He raised an eyebrow and did it back.

"Are you having fun?"

After a while, we both had paint all over. The teacher didn't notice until I grabbed a paint jar and poured some on Sam. The teacher gasped and Sam laughed, pouring some on me as well. "You two! Out of my class!"
She yelled and we both stood up, leaving the room. "Oh my god, Alex! I'm so sorry." Sam said quickly. I just stared at the floor and did something crazy.

"Is he.. Smiling?"

Sam stared at Alex as a smile showed up on his face. Then he started laughing. Hard. "Oh my god that was amazing!" Alex said between giggles, the voices in his head completely leaving.

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