Fish Stew

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"What is that awful stench" he said, disgusted. Right then an orc walked in sadly staring at the floor. "I heard that dinner was ready" She said in a low, shaky voice. The orc was green and muscular, but still maintained a busty build, her hair was jet black, and she had a scar on her left eye. Den covered his mouth "I'm so sorry-" Den started "Sorry about What??? I DIDNT HEAR ANYTHING!!!!!!!"

Eleanor handed The Orc a bowl of something, the orc scarfed it down, even eating the bowl, She then stomped back into her room. Everyone was silent. "Throdrok just needs a day or two." Jaguar said to Den. "Hey, got a place to stay?" Kofi asked Den. "No" Den answered, Nervously scratching his wrists he didn't mention his boat.

"That's great!" Eleanor said "You can stay with me- I mean us as long as you want!" Meressa Yelled exitingly. " He's Going to sleep in my room!" Meressa declared. Everyone except Den smiled, Jaguar rolled his eyes, "Be careful around my sister, Den she really wants a baby and shell do anything to get one!" Jaguar said, grinning "Enough talking the foods getting cold!"Eleanor said, passing bowls around.

Den watched the Family say a prayer, and dig in to the food. Den looked inside his bowl seeing boiled fish lathered in fish sauce, in a bowl of fish oil(not the supplement) and with fried fish on the side, with some grilled fish too. Den started to eat some seaweed napkins instead, he didn't hate fish, but this was overdoing it.

"A lot of fish huh?" Den said "Oh, for sure!" Jaguar replied, stuffing his face with boiled fish. "My mom is the best cook on earth!" Jaguar yelled "She definitely is!" Kofi agreed. Eleanor blushed, " oh shut up its just something I threw together!" She shouted, flattered. " The sea provides use wit hall the food we need! We get to eat sharks, lobsters, clams, calamari, oysters, snails, crabs, Jelly fish, turtles, octopi, starfish, and all sorts of sea monsters!" Jaguar said "When dad goes with her, we get the largest prey imaginable!" Meressa stated. Den tried a spoonful of the fish stew and blacked out. He awoke, still at the table 3 hours later, with 99 bowls next to him and Jaguar

His first thought was What kind of family has this meany bowls? He looked around, as Elanor placed a bowl in front of him and Jaguar, "This is the final bowls of stew, whoever finishes it first wins", she said weakly, then collapsing from exhaustion due to cooking so much. Kofi caught Her dragging her off to their room, then coming back.

Den had no clue what was going on, then he smelt that familiar, terrible smell, looking behind him, there stood the orc, Throwdrok with a smile on her face. "I looks like you have to take this smelly girl on a date" Throwdrok whispered to him. Just then Jaguar finished his stew "I WIN" He yelled, lifting up both of his arms, and laughing, "You have to let me fight you now!" Jaguar yelled "What The Heck is going on!?" Den Shouted

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