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"Then lets go!" Den yelled, ready for a fight. "Wait how are we going to enter the corner of a wall?" Meressa walked to the corner of the room, giving it a few knocks "this parts" hollow! Meressa yelled. Throdrock walked over to the corner of the room, kicking it in to reveal another room. There was a giant monster. It's eyes were closed, is feet were chained together, it had a large white fur- covered body, but brown hair upon its head. It's mouth was red and enormous, a human could easily fit inside of it.

Behind the terrifying monster there was locked door and around its neck there was a key. All four of the group were petrified in fear. Meressa turned around and started walking back to the exit. Throdrok Grabbed her before she could get any further away. "That's a Kadindi, they're all evil gluttonous creatures with a taste for living flesh. They eat anything they can, without discrimination or sympathy. They are Primal monsters, unlike Throdrock or Meressa, Primal monsters cannot control themselves, and are driven by instinct, like animals." Jaguar Explained quietly .

The Kadindi Opened its beady eyes, and locked them on Den and his friends. They all lost their nerve, screaming in horror as the Kadindi leaped at them Opening its enormous mouth unnaturally wide. This is the end... Throdrok thought. She grabbed Den, lifting him up to her height, staring into his eyes... CLANG Den and his friends were completely unscathed, the Kadindi was on the floor, just a few inches away from the group.

Den noticed the chain on Kadindis leg, he laughed nervously. "look, theirs a chain on that things leg! This is as close as it can get to us!" He said, laughing nervously. Meressa started to cry, Jaguar put on a shaky smile, and Throdrok let go of Den, falling to her knees. "What... Was That?" Throdrok asked.

"That was my aura, it seems you four are powerful enough to sense it, you must have done some kind of long, endurance training, but can you see what color my aura is?" The Kadindi asked "No, we can't " Meressa said, through tears. "Ok thats cool. Say, would you mind moving like, six inches closer to me?" The Kadini said, intensely looking at the group.

"Hell no" Throdrok replied "Thats really too bad, you four look quite tasty, then how about we play a game... if you win, you get my key, and I let you pass, If you lose I eat you if you run away, ill be having lunch. Deal? Kadaindi asked. Den looked around he didn't see any other options, and he was terrified of the Kadindi, who stared direct into Dens eyes. "Ok we will play your game." Den answered. "Wonderful!" The Kadindi exclaimed, clapping his hands giddily.

"The game we will be playing is an eating competition!" The Kadindi yelled, laughing wildly. Everyone stared blankly at him, as he laughed. "How is that fair!!!???" Jaguar yelled. "We're in the Tilla! The floating City! The clan of the Pirates! What kind of Pirate plays fair???" The Kadindi yelled back. "Don't worry Jaguar, you always win our family eating competitions." Meressa said. "Thats right!" Throdrok shouted. "Yeah... YEAH! We have this in the Bag!!!" Jaguar Shouted with a smile.

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