𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞.

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"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot," I said, holding my hand out and showing rock. "Rock smashes the other rock, I win," Nano said, hitting my hand then standing up and scurrying away. I laughed to myself before standing up and sitting down on my bed.

"Alejandro, make sure you get your homework done," I heard my mom say as she knocked on the door; "Yeah, I will!" I shouted back, rolling onto my back and looking over at my closet. Trying to figure out what to wear for bed and tomorrow at school.

Probably something simple. I like my new hot pink hoodie and black ripped jeans, so that's an outfit for tomorrow, and I'll just wear boxers for bed. "Night Mami!" I yelled to my mom as I left my room, wearing my baggy basketball shorts.

"Nano, you all ready for bed?" I asked my little brother, walking into his room and sitting down on his bed, he nodded, playing with his action figures and pretending there were fighting. "Do I have to shower tonight?" He asked me, I rolled my eyes, I thought he already showered.

"You were supposed to shower right after dinner Nano. Yes, go shower now please Papi," I told him, he huffed but stood up and walked to the bathroom annoyed.


I heard my alarm beeping pretty early. Thank god it's Friday and the weekend is already here. I leaned over, pressing the stop button on my phone and unplugging it from the charger. I heard a small knock at my door and was confused. Maybe it was mom. I opened it and didn't see anybody until looking down.

"Nano, you're awake early," I said, rubbing my eyes and stretching. "Good morning to you too," He said with a nod, "Can we make food, I'm hungry," He said, and I nodded.

"I'll be down in a minute," I told him, "Okay, and Mami said that you left your computer in her room so make sure you take it before you go to school," He said. "Wait, Mami's awake?" I asked him, and he nodded before walking downstairs. I slipped basketball shorts on quickly, and just stayed shirtless.

"Good morning," I said to my mom as I got to the kitchen. "Morning baby," She smiled, turning around for the coffee machine and putting her mug on the table. "You're awake early," I said, sitting down next to Nano at the counter. "I have to get to work early, someone isn't coming in so I've gotta take there shift," She said, "Oh, that sucks..." I muttered.

My mom worked as a waiter so she was gone some parts of the day, but normally comes back a couple of hours before dinner, "I'll be back a bit late so I'll leave money so you guys can order something to eat, don't wait on me." She told me.

I nodded and looked over at Nano. "What do you wanna eat Papi?" I asked him, he shrugged. "Anything is fine," He told me. "Alright, toast with Nutella?" I asked him, and he nodded.

I stopped when I heard a knock on the door, "I'll get it Mami," I said when I saw her start to sit up, she thanked me and sat back down, drinking her coffee.

I walked to the front hallway and over to the door, slipping my slippers on incase I had to go outside for something. "Hell-" I was just about to say before I saw who I was looking at.

Mattia Polibio.

"W-what are......what's going...uhm...y-yes?" I asked, backing up from the door but keeping my hand on the doorknob, "You're Alejandro Rosario? Right?" He asked me, holding his hands in front of him. "Uhm...uh-yes...I am," I nodded.

"You're a star sign correct?" He asked, I gulped and nodded, "So am I...and I'm here to propose to you." He said...I nearly collapsed, what is he talking about? "N-no, I'm 15, I don't have to do anything," I told him, trying to close the door before he stopped me. "M-Mami!" I yelled, I heard her run over and stand behind me, pulling me back and standing in front of Mattia, "What do you want?" She asked.

"Your son, I need to propose to him." He said. I could see my mom's eyes widen, "No, he's 15, you're not taking him," She said, "They sent out an email this morning, check your phones," He said, running a hand through his hair.

My mom sighed and went over to the kitchen, I still stood far away from him, and he gave me a death stare. I quickly looked away. My mom came back, checking her phone, "I don't see anything," She said, shrugging. The blue eyed boy started taking something out from his pocket...his phone. Thank god.

"All boys and girls..etc, ages 13 and up, now must find their scar sign partner. Affective immediately, blah, blah, blah." Mattia said, showing my mom the email before slipping his phone back in his pocket. "I'm 17, I have no choice, please don't make this hard." He pleaded with me. I looked over at my mom.

"I-I don't think there's anything I can do baby," She said, my eyes widened hearing her say that. "No, Mami please, please don't make me. Please do something." I begged her. "The only thing I can think of is calling the police. But if that email is real then, we'll get in trouble for calling them for no reason." She said, biting at her nails.

"Mami please! I'm still 15!" I yelled, "Why wouldn't you tell me about it?" I asked her, "I didn't get any email!" She yelled back, I looked over at Mattia and saw him holding a small black box in his hand. "Mami, please, please. I don't wanna, I'm not ready. I don't wanna yet," I said, feeling my eyes start to water.

I felt so upset and embarrassed. I was crying in front of someone around my age. I can't even imagine what Mattia is thinking right now. But to be honest, I almost don't care. "I-I do-don't know baby," She said, I could see she was upset that I was starting to cry.

I looked back over at Mattia to see him looking at the ground, "Can we do this somewhere more private," He asked me, his blue eyed piercing into my friggin' soul. I sniffled and nodded, giving my mom a sad look before opening the door wider and stepping aside for him to walk in.

He followed behind me to the backyard, I stood there for a minute, wiping my eyes. And standing there for him to do something. He rolled his eyes and got down on one knee.

"Alejandro Rosario, will you uhm...marry-marry me?" He asked, holding the box up but keeping his eyes down. I wrapped my arms around myself self consciously and tried my best to speak. "Y-yes," I stuttered, wanting to throw up at my words.

He grabbed my hand, taking the ring out of the small box and slipping it on my finger. I looked down at my hand. Wanting nothing but to rip it off and throw it in the ocean.

"I-I'll come by..later probably...so. Bye." He said, standing back up and walking inside, I broke down as soon as I heard the front door close and he was gone. I fell to the floor, and couldn't help but look at my finger. Sure, the ring was beautiful...but I hated this more than anything in the whole world.

I'm 15, I'm not supposed to get married. What haunted me even more what the fact that Nano wouldn't be able to enjoy his teenage years. He would have to get married at just 13.

"Ale?" I heard a quiet voice ask me. I turned around and saw Nano standing at the door, "Yes Papi? What's the matter?" I asked him, sitting up and leaning my head on the glass window behind me.

"We have to make breakfast." He said, and I laughed at his innocence. "Alright, let's go make breakfast then," I said, starting to stand up, "Are you okay?" He asked me, walking over and putting his small hand on my shoulder.

"Y-yeah, yes Papi I'm fine," I told him. He sat down in my lap, "Okay," He said, leaning his head back on my chest, You wanna just sit here for a little bit?" I asked him, and he nodded. "Jeez Papi, what happened to our beautiful life," I sighed, wiping my eyes.


ugh, kinda cute.

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨y /𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨/Where stories live. Discover now