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third pov

Sadly, things hadn't gotten better as time went on with the bed rest.

Which really blew since Alejandro couldn't stay seated for the absolute life of him.

"Ale! I told you to stay on the fricking couch, sit the hell down." Mattia gasped as he walked into the living room and saw Alejandro pacing back and forth. Ale groaned, throwing his head back before reluctantly sitting back down. "You can't expect me to be trapped in here twenty-four-seven without moving or anything. I'm bound to stand up at some point and try to walk." Alejandro rolled his eyes, pulling his hoodie back over his head lazily, and rubbing his stomach that had been hurting a bit.

Mattia knew how hard it was for him, Ale's a very hard-working guy and he hates feeling useless. Mattia was certain that that's exactly how he felt being stuck on that damned couch.

"You can barely stand for too long without getting dizzy and losing your balance, just take it easy...you said you wanted oatmeal, right?" Mattia asked, running his hands through his hair and making his way to the kitchen, opening the fridge, lowering his head to see if there was any milk.

"Yes, please." Ale nodded, staring down at his book. Mattia was almost positive he wasn't even reading it at this point, he was defiantly just trying to find a way to distract himself.

"Uh...we don't have any milk, d'you want...a sandwich? Or-oh-scratch that, we don't have any bread." Mattia stopped himself, looking over to the counter to see they didn't have anything they needed. No milk, eggs, bread, or anything to eat for dinner.

"Uh...I should probably ask my dad to get us groceries or something...but-nah, with the snow, driving from his house to the grocery store is probably gonna be hard." Mattia peered outside from the sliding door to their backyard, seeing the snow was starting to pile up.

"You just go, I'll be fine with Nano here, you go and get everything we need. Your fridge is gonna need to be stocked up for after the baby." Alejandro told him, grabbing a blanket from the floor that he had dropped earlier but had been too lazy to pick up. Covering himself with it.

"What-No, I can't leave. You and a child can't be here by yourselves." Mattia shook his head, going over to the mantel and grabbing his phone to text his dad.

"We'll be fine! Nano knows how I can't walk around or carry anything, he won't ask me for anything I can't do...just go, I don't wanna make your dad drive all that way just for some eggs and milk." Alejandro said, leaning the weight of his chin on his knuckles.

"But-okay...alright, I'll ask Kairi to get over here to watch you n' Nano for a bit. And I'll go quick, just in and out." Mattia told him, going to his messages to text Kairi quickly to get his ass over here.

"Ugh! We don't need a babysitter, you freak." Alejandro huffed, kicking his legs back and forth. "Yes, you guys all do. And Kairi will come just in case you need to use the bathroom and can't get up on your own, and if Nano gets hungry, then he can cook something."


"No!" Nano yelled, stomping his foot angrily. "Nano, dije que no. Now come sit." Alejandro demanded, taking everything in him not to beat Nano's ass and yell at him to sit down. "But I wanna go!" He screamed upset, running over to the front door and grabbing his shoes. "Emiliano Cascante Rosario! Ven aqui, voy a patearte el trasero, ven y siéntate ahora. For the last time, you aren't going. You're staying home today, it's not safe to be driving or be in the car while someone else is, get over here."

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨y /𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨/Where stories live. Discover now