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third pov

Alejandro was secretly dreading going back to work, thankfully he'd had enough time at home to recover from...everything.

He missed his kiddos more than anything though.

"Okay baby, Kairi's gonna walk you to school today, and it's my first day back so I'm gonna be back home a little late, so Dezzy is gonna pick you up after soccer practice. Alright?" Alejandro asked Nano, brushing his brown hair softly as he ate his lucky charms cereal.

"So I won't see you until dinner?" Nano asked, turning his head back to look up at his older brother.

"I'm sorry babe, but I've got a lot of work to catch up on there. But I'll be back in time to cook and me and you can eat together, yeah?"

Nano nodded happily before Kairi walked into the kitchen. "Hey bud, you almost done?" He asked, rubbing the younger boys back.

"Mhm, here go." Nano held his empty bowl with just a bit of milk up to his brother, basically telling him to put it in the sink for him.

Kairi snickered as he watched Alejandro roll his eyes before putting the bowl of what was once filled with cereal in the empty sink.

Hopefully Nano would go to sleep earlier tonight so that Alejandro had a chance to clean up since the younger boy loved to make any sort of mess.

"Alright, alright, I gotta go now baby, I'll see you tonight, I love you, I love you." Alejandro leaned down, kissing Nano's forehead before grabbing his laptop and backpack.

"Love you, Ale! Bye!" Nano and Kairi yelled before the front door closed and Ale left.


"Alejandro! Hi sweetheart, how are you darlin'?" Linda asked as soon as she came face to face with the boy.

"Hey Lin, I'm good, how've you been?"

"I'm great now that you're back, how's the baby doing?" Linda smiled, handing Alejandro a smoothie as a welcome back gift.

"S-she's good, she cuddles a lot now for some reason, but yeah that's about it." Alejandro shrugged, finally getting to his classroom which was still empty, he had forty-five minutes to clean and set up for his kids.

"That's amazing, how are you feeling? Since the birth? You recovered well?"

Alejandro shrugged, dropping his backpack on his chair and his smoothie on his desk. "Fine, had two months to heal, I already feel better. Just glad to be back at work...so what have I missed?"

Linda smiled as she sat down at one of the kids desks'

"Dalili spilled the beans about her mom being pregnant, so she's super excited to be a big sister. Casey got some new sneakers and he won't stop talking about them, and...oh! Celeste decided that she wanted to be an astronaut when she's much older. But all and all, that's about it. They've all really missed you." Linda smiled.

"That's amazing, you have no idea how much I've missed them. Just happy I can be with them all again...do you think the school would send out an email to the parents saying that the kids should come in twenty minutes earlier just so I can see them sooner?" Alejandro asked with a slight pout, leaning back on his spinny chair.

"I'm sure the parents would love for that to happen but the kids won't be too happy since they have to wake up early." Linda replied, glancing over at Alejandro's hand, her eyebrows scrunched up before standing up and coming closer towards Alejandro.

"Where's your ring?"

Alejandro eyes widened a bit, sitting up and staring down at his hand. He didn't know how to tell Linda-he didn't know if he even should.

𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨y /𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨/Where stories live. Discover now