Carlton Drake

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"Goku and Venom. Launch and Pistole. These two individuals I need to find." Carlton Drake, better known as Commander Red, said to himself as he got up from his office chair to go to the central command room. "They are essential to the future of the Life Foundation."

Red was the CEO/President as well as the supreme militant leader to the Red Ribbon Army, which most civilians knew as the Life Foundation. He created the separation of names so no one could feel threatened by the Life Foundation, and would see the company as a warm and caring organization whose goal was to improve humanity. While the goal was genuine, most wouldn't agree with the company's methods once people started to realize that the company was also operating as the Red Ribbon Army. They wouldn't like it at all.

"Commander Red sir, are you ready to go the command center?" First Officer Black asked as he entered the room.

"Ah yes First Officer Black, glad you came in. Especially considering your late." Commander Red said sternly.

"Yes sir. I apologize for my tardiness sir." First Officer Black said while saluting.

"At ease soldier. Tell me why you were late." Red said while taking out a new cigar and lighting it.

"I was engaged in my hobby." Black answered.

"The one with the phone?" Red asked.

"Yes sir." Black answered.

"I don't know why you even bother. Though the thought of turning a phone into a bomb is quite unique. Who even taught you?" Red asked.

"I read about it online." Was all Black answered.

"They have that kind of information online?" Red asked curiously.

"They have everything online sir." Black informed his superior.

"And here I thought that kind of information was too specific and dangerous for the public to see." Red commented before getting to the topic at hand. "Has our researchers discovered the whereabouts of Venom and Launch? I would like General Blue informed as soon as possible."

"We have tracked Venom and Pistole to a remote island owned by the martial artist Master Roshi." Black informed Red. "Others who reside there include two more of his students, named Krillin and Yamcha, along with a tortoise named Turtle."

"Really? A tortoise named Turtle?" Red asked, half expecting this to be a setup joke by his second in command.

"Yes, our men have confirmed that Turtle is indeed the name the resident tortoise." Black said.

"Unbelievable, who in Kami's name comes up with these names?" Red said shaking his head.

"You color coded everyone's names." Black replied in a snarky manner.

"To better identify everyone!" Red screamed. "It's not as confusing as naming your tortoise Turtle! Seriously, what was the last creative name you heard of?"

"Pistole, Launch's symbiote?" Black answered.

Red was silent, stumped that he was proven wrong. Now was the time to change the subject.

"How about Silver and Violet? Have they arrived at Capsule Corp yet? I have heard that Dr. Brief's daughter Bulma possesses a fully functioning dragon ball radar." Red asked.

"It will take a few hours but they will get there." Black answered as the pair finally made it to the command room.

"Hail Commander Red!" All the soldiers saluted as they noticed that their leader had entered the room.

"At ease gentlemen." Red said. "Has everyone been informed of what our goals are?"

"Yes sir!" One of the officers shouted while still saluting. "The Red Ribbon Army has two objectives. The first is to take Goku and Launch, otherwise known as Venom and Pistole into custody alive. The second is to obtain the dragon balls so we can ask the mystical dragon Shenron to grant our wish to improve and rule humanity. In order to achieve the second objective, we plan on storming Capsule Corp to obtain any equipment that would be deemed useful to our endeavors."

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 3: The Red Ribbon Army SagaWhere stories live. Discover now