Gebo Gero

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"Oh by the way, your father is an ass." Eddie Brock, better known to his peers as General Blue, said to Lieutenant Gold as he finished getting dressed after waking up from his hospital bed moments ago. This baffled everyone in the room, especially the doctors who had tended to Blue since they practically worshipped the head mad scientist.

"How dare you talk that way about Doctor Gero, especially after we just operated on you! He is the leader of the Red Ribbon Army's scientific division! If this isn't treason I don't know what is!" One of the doctors who had taken care of Blue said to him, but Gold lifted his hand to silence him.

"It's okay doctor, just let it slide." Gold said before turning back to Blue. "Now that your back from the dead, First Officer Black said that Commander Red wants you."

"Like I said. The dead don't rest." Blue said as he followed Gold out of the infirmary, but one of the doctors called out after them.

"This will not stand! I will file a report to Commander Red concerning this treasonous act!" The doctor said, but Gold spun around giving her a death glare.

"If I don't have a problem with it, why should you. Besides, it's not treason to state your opinion. How will the Red Ribbon Army stand as a force for human improvement and goodwill if its leadership can't take a comment or two without acting out like spoiled children. Thank you for your services in helping General Blue recover, but one more outburst and you can just pack your bags. Understood?" Gold said, controlling his own anger.

"Ugh...yes Lieutenant Gold." The doctor whimpered with a slight bow of the head.

"Sometimes, it has it's privileges to be the son of the most world's most revered mad scientist." Gold thought sarcastically to himself, smiling at the emotional and mental state he put the doctor in.

With that the doctor immediately shut her mouth and continued to work as if nothing happened. So, Gold once again headed out the door with Blue right beside him.

"So what was death like? Who did you meet on the other side?" Gold asked.

"None of your business." Blue replied.

"So did you meet the big man upstairs or the one below?" Gold asked, showing a little more curiosity than before.

"They are one in the same." Blue shivered recalling his encounter with Knull. Gold gave a slightly complexed look, as if trying to make sense of what Blue meant.

"What really is going on with you? You have been different since you first brought in Roshi, Turtle, and Yamcha as prisoners. As if there is a burden on your shoulders or a demon has been eating away at you. I could tell especially after that 'interrogation' you had with the old hermit." Gold asked, but Blue was completely silent about the subject. It was clear that Gold wasn't getting anywhere with asking Blue questions.

"Okay, let's change the subject then. Why did you call my father an ass? You have never been this daring or disobedient before. Why start now?" Gold asked.

"Because Doctor Gero is an ass. Sorry that I offended you, I never meant to hurt you." Blue apologied.

"As a fellow Red Ribbon Army soldier, I do have to reprimand you for saying such things, even if your really are my superior officer." Said a stern Gold, before showing his kind smile once more. "But as the son of Doctor Gero, I can't say that your wrong. My father can certainly be an ass. He no doubt considers his creations more of his offspring than his actual son. At least my mother 21 is much kinder to me than my father ever was."

"21? I never knew anyone with that kind of name." Blue stated.

"It was what my father always called her, and I never learned her true name. She is his lab assistant, serving him for at least two decades now. I was never supposed to know who my mother was, but the moment we made eye contact when I was a toddler was enough confirmation for me. She taught me all about science and what it meant to be human. To care for all living things, even if it was the tiniest of sparrows or the smallest of worms. You understand right General Blue?" Gold asked.

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