The Value Of A Soldier's Life

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"They have all been taken out by Venom, Launch, and their friends." Red stated, staring in horror at the survillance screen. "They are all alive of course, but it's clear no one can take them down without heavy hitters like General Blue or Mercenary Tao."

"Carlton, are you completely sure about this?" Charles Tarkin asked, who was eerily calm about the situation.

"Yes. I tried contacting First Officer Black for any countermeasures, but I haven't been able to get a hold of him. It's strange, I don't see him among the unconscious." Red answered.

"That won't be necessary. Get our personal mechs ready and have the entire base be set to self destruct. Set the time to ten minutes." Tarkin ordered.

"Tarkin, there are a lot of good men on this complex. Surely we can't kill off our only assets. I understand collateral damage, but choosing this will not result in benefiting the human race." Carlton suggested.

"Do it." Tarkin ordered without much emotion other than a small hint of anger for Carlton not immediately obeying his command. This was all the motivation Red needed as he went over to a secret control panel and pressed the big red button.

Meanwhile, outside...

"T minus 10 minutes." Came the booming voice of a loud speaker as Gebo Gero woke up. Considering that Oolong was the one to knock him out and not any of the capable fighters in Goku's group, he was the first to be woken up. He looked around and saw that a few soldiers were groaning as well, but it didn't look like they were getting up anytime before him.

"Is that the self destruct command? Did Venom take down Commander Red? Was he forced to resort to destroying his own base?" Lieutenant Gold asked himself as he picked himself up. He looked over to see if First Officer Black was still laying down and hopefully alive, but could not find his body anywhere in sight.

"Strange. Could have sworn that Yamcha fellow killed him, or at least got electrified to the point where he won't be walking for a couple of days." Gold said to himself as he looked around. "Father, if only you could see this happening now. I guess it wouldn't matter to you since you would still end up tinkering with a couple of androids in one of your secret bases, just as you had always wanted. I don't know how mom and Doctor Octavius put up with you as your assistants."

Just then, Gebo could hear the faint sound of barking from the canine unit building. Turning his head in that direction, he realized the dogs were locked in their cages unable to break free. He debated with himself on whether or not to follow orders and continue the fight against Venom and Goku or go rescue the dogs. Figuring that Commander Red and Tarkin were likely dead at this point, Gold headed for canine compound to save their lives.

"Father, I know you wouldn't approve of this and I know mom and Doctor Octavius would be heartbroken, but I have to do this." Gebo Gero thought to himself.

Meanwhile, not too far off from the Red Ribbon Army headquarters....

"Oh dear Kami, I can hear the alarms from here. I hope I am not late." General Blue said to himself as he drove the motorcycle with the complex coming into sight.

Suddenly, Eddie began to doubt himself. With everything hinging on resolving his personal and family issues, it was no wonder why he was inflicted with such an uneasy sensation.

"You know, with Knull constantly in my ear these past few days and now having a demonic spirit reside rent free in my soul, I could really need a voice of encouragement right about now." Eddie muttered to himself.

"Wish granted asshole." Came a familiar voice in Eddie's head. Blue's face scrunched up, trying to figure out what game his mind was playing.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 3: The Red Ribbon Army SagaWhere stories live. Discover now