The Tarkin Conspiracy

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"Okay, now that Carlton Drake and First Officer Black have left the room, let's see what my dear Uncle Tarkin has to say." Eddie Brock said as he made his way over to one of the computer terminals. Blue had to carefully step over the corpses left by Doctor Victor Von Doom, all of whom where killed during what was supposed to be a simple meeting where he would once again hunt down Venom and Launch with new information provided. Right now though he needed to know who was telling the truth, whether it be his superiors or that dark god Knull.

Taking out the tape from his pocket and plugging it into the computer terminal, Blue typed in a series of links before getting to the password screen.

"Okay, let's see if my username and password works." Eddie said as he typed into the terminal.

"Unauthorized user. Name: General Blue, Rank 9. Rank Clearance Needed: 10." The terminal read.

"Damn it. I don't know Commander Red's password, but I may know Uncle Tarkin's password." Blue said as he began typing again. "You_may_fire_when_ready."

"Access Granted. Welcome Charles "Wilhuff" Tarkin." The terminal said.

"And I am in." Blue said to himself as he looked over the selections. "Okay looks like I viewed part of short version. Let's view the long version."

"Let the games begins." Said an all too familiar and creepy voice as the face of Tarkin appeared on the screen.

"Good Morning Carlton. I have reviewed your report regarding Venom and Launch, and while I don't necessarily agree that we should pursue these creatures, Dr. Gero seems to at least agree with you. I trust his judgement in this matter." Tarkin said.

"Come on, get to the part about me." Eddie said.

"As you know, I have been reviewing suitable replacements for the leadership of the Red Ribbon Army and the Life Foundation. No one is more qualified than my 'nephew' Edward Brock, otherwise known as General Blue. However, he must never learn the truth, even after obtaining the position of high commander." Tarkin said.

"And here it is." Blue said to himself, feeling the shadow of Knull loom over his shoulder.

"Blue must never learn that I was behind the deaths of his parents and his wife Annie. Remember this is all for your ears only Carlton. Not even First Officer Black has the right to know such details. I expect you to take this to the grave."

"So Commander Red hasn't known this information until quite recently and everyone else is completely in the dark." Blue thought. "My uncle is the one true mastermind."

"This is was all to prepare my son Edward for a greater purpose. Since the loss of Dylan, Annie Brock would have dragged him down. So she needed to be dealt with. The same could be said for his mother and stepfather. The car crash was only meant to be an accident."

"I knew it!" Brock yelled as he slammed his on the terminal keyboard, nearly breaking it. "He killed Annie! He killed my mom and dad! I don't care if he is my father by blood, he killed my wife!!!"

"As for Edward's surviving offspring, Lapis and Lazuli will remain at my mansion until they both have completed puberty. Then they will be taken to Dr. Gero. He has requested that he had wanted two subjects for his experiments. The good doctor doesn't need to know where they came from. For all he knows, the twins could be street rats."

"Are you serious!" Blue screamed. "You expect me to let you hand my two living children over as guinea pigs!!!! Over my dead body!!"

"In conclusion, I expect General Blue to resume command of the Red Ribbon Army and the Life Foundation after your departure. Whether your retirement will result in relaxing on a private island or in a jail cell remains entirely on the success of capturing the symbiotes. I wish you good luck in your mission. You will need it."

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