Battle For Capsule Corp

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"Colonel Silver, we have given them enough time. We should begin the apprehension of Venom, Launch, and the dragon radar." Colonel Violet said as she walked up to her comrade.

"Alright men! The time has come! Let us show what the Red Ribbon Army is made of!" Silver shouted as everyone cheered.

"Finally. Took you long enough." Violet said as she casually loaded her assault rifle. "I was waiting for the fun part."

"Guys! They are coming!" Emperor Pilaf cried as he, Sho, and Dr. Briefs ran upstairs, leaving Venom, Launch, Bulma, and an unconscious Mai in the living room downstairs.

"Alright! We are all ready!" Bulma shouted. "Bring us some victims!"

Venom and Launch looked at Bulma and then to each other.

"She definitely got it from you Father." Pistole said as she enveloped Launch.

"We are not denying that." Venom said, not able to contain a prideful grin. Launch's face turned red out of jealousy.

"Let's just get this rodeo started." Pistole huffed as she transformed her arms into machine guns, pointing them at the first set of soldiers to enter the house. "You soldiers love guns huh?! Then have some of this!"

Pistole fired several rounds of bullets at the soldiers, severely wounding several of them with much ease. Pistole looked back at Bulma giving a wicked grin on her face.

"Your pistoles are merely toothpicks and junk. We are the original gun wielding woman. We are called Pistole for a reason." Pistole laughed maniacally.

"Sometimes the basics can do far more damage." Bulma countered back. "Stupid symbiotes and their stupid guns."

"This is fun!" Venom roared joyfully as he punched several soldiers away, the only one of the three using nonlethal force. "Inflicting pain onto others can be so relieving."

"Yeah, I wonder how Team Tech is doing." Goku thought.

Meanwhile, upstairs...

"This is not fun at all!" Pilaf cried as he, Dr. Briefs, and Sho ran down a hallway. "I wonder how Team Symbiote is even doing downstairs.

"Probably having the time of their lives sire." Sho said as bullets began to zoom past them. "They are crazy bloodthirsty beasts after all."

"Especially Bulma!" Pilaf said as he tripped and fell, allowing some of the bullets that would have hit his body fly over his head.

"Due to her recent behavior, you might actually be correct about my daughter. I would have never agreed with you if it was yesterday or even this very morning." Dr. Briefs said with regret as he picked Pilaf up by the collar carried him all with one hand, no effort at all considering his small size and weight. "The last door is on our right. That is where the laboratory is."

"Stop them right now!" Violet shouted as she lead the group of soldiers that were chasing Team Tech. "We can't let them reach the laboratory!"

"Thank Kami! We made it!" Pilaf said as Doctor Briefs closed and locked the bulletproof door, sealing the trio safely inside. "I am glad that's over."

"Don't get too comfortable. If they have half the equipment I expect them to have, they will breach this entryway in five minutes." Dr. Briefs informed as he logged into the central computer terminal. "Now that we are logged in, let's make these five minutes count. It's time to turn the Capsule Corp building against our intruders."

"What should we do then?" Sho asked.

"Emperor Pilaf, use the buttons and switches I tell you to press. Sho, watch the door and make sure no one is able to pass." Dr. Briefs instructed.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 3: The Red Ribbon Army SagaWhere stories live. Discover now