Whipped Cream x reader

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Requested by GiyEww, hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn’t specific, reader will use they/them on this one!

“(Y/N), it’s me” they heard Whipped Cream say as he entered their home, a smile appearing on their face.

“I’m here!” they said as they put the book they were reading aside, patiently waiting for Whipped Cream to enter the room.

And soon enough, the familiar wearing pink cookie appeared in their living room, concern on his face.

“You should keep your door close (Y/N)” he said as he entered the room, earning a shrug from the other.

“It’s fine. Not like others know where I live” 

Whipped Cream let out a worried sigh, but didn’t push the matter anymore.

It had been like that since they knew each other after all, and for him, it was already a lost battle.

Their gaze moved to the two bags the cookie had on his hands, a smile appearing on their face at the moment.

“Are those the costumes for your next performance” they said, a smile appearing on his face at the moment.

“Yes, they are”

“Can I see?” (Y/N) asked, blushing a bit when the other cookie laughed softly.

“Of course. That’s why I brought them here. I need you to help me decide which one suits best for the performance” he said, letting the bags on a nearby table.

It wasn’t the first time they had helped him decide. They were always confused about why he wanted their help, as they didn’t really consider themselves very fashionable.

They even asked him once, curious.

“You are the cookie that knows me the best” he had simply said with a smile.

They never asked again after that.

“Those are beautiful… I’d love to help you”

The first option, as pretty as it was, didn’t catch their eye. For them, there was something missing, like it didn’t match him completely.

But the second he stepped out with the second option, they forgot how to breathe.

The combination of white and gold colours, the small details over all the costume…

It made him look, in their eyes, angelic.

“So, how this one looks?” Whipped Cream said, snapping them out of their thoughts.

“I...it looks…”

“You… you look amazing Whipped” they finally said with a very soft voice, their cheeks red as they looked at him.

It was they couldn’t look away from him at the moment.

“Oh...thank you (Y/N)” he said, his voice turning softer as he looked at the other side for a moment.

They swore he was blushing for a moment.

“I guess this is the one. Thank you for helping me (Y/N)” 

“Oh, of course. It’s no problem!” they said, smile on their face.

“But I need to ask you for one last favour” he said, walking towards where they were sitting.

“I want to see if this would work alright during the performance so…”

Whipped Cream stopped in front of them, a smile on his face as he offered them a hand.

“Would you dance with me?”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now