Lobster x male! Reader

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Requested by DarkestPoison, hope you like it!

The cookie groaned as a faint light hit his eyes, a big headache appearing at the moment. "What...where am I?" He thought confused as he opened his eyes, his vision a bit blurry for a moment. He could still tell he was in an unknown place, and strange enough he felt like he was underwater. But...that couldn't be right, no? How would he even survive underwater?

"Maybe I'm dreaming or something" he thought confused as his vision focused slowly. He started noticing the small little details of the room, how strange crystals that emitted light were all over the room and how all the walls were the same shade of blue.

Someone else entered the room as he was looking around, and he soon made eye contact with a pair of red eyes.

"Ah, you are finally awake! We were getting worried" the unknown cookie said as he walked to the bed he was resting, a big smile on his face.
"How are you feeling? Anything hurts?"

"Just...a small headache" the cookie answered, his eyes looking up and down the strange cookie, detaining specially in what it seemed a crystal claw. It looked like it was made with the same crystals of the room.

"Good. I'm Lobster cookie, guardian of Sugarteara" Lobster said, smile still present on his face as he offered his other claw to shake.

"I'm (Y/N)...wait. Sugarteara? Like the legendary city under the sea?" He asked confused as he shook his claw. That couldn't be right, or at least he thought.

"Yes, exactly. I'm happy to see cookies in the surface know about our beautiful city" the guardian said, laughing softly at the end.

"But...how did I end here? And how am I even breathing underwater?" The cookie asked aloud, very confused.

"Is a spell we know, passed generation to generation in Sugarteara. You will be able to breathe as long as you are here. As for the first question, I was making sure the surroundings were safe when I saw you floating down. Do you remember how you ended like that?"

"I...remember a storm and that I was in a boat. And cookies shouting. But...the rest is very blurry" he said with a sigh, making the guardian nod in response.

"I'm sure memories will come back to you. For now, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need. I'll make sure you have everything you might need for the moment" Lobster said with a smile, and for some reasons he felt his cheeks turning a light shade of red. The cookie nodded with a small "thank you", and the guardian smiled in response.

"Perfect. I'll go and talk to Mocha Ray, tell her you are finally up. And probably bring you some food, you must be hungry. You will taste the best food here, I assure you!" Lobster said with a smile as he turned around, leaving the cookie alone again.
He sighed as he laid back down, his gaze fixed on the ceiling.
He couldn't remember what happened, but at least he had good company.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now