Hero x female! reader

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Requested by Rishiman, hope you like it!

Prompt: Hero having a crush on celebrity reader, and reader catching feelings for the cute nerd

(Y/N) let out a sigh as she finally made it to the small sandwich shop, her eyes scanning the room at the moment.

A smile formed on her face as she located Hero at the other side of the shop, scrolling down his phone as he waited for her.

She didn’t waste more time and quickly made her way to the table.

“Sorry I’m late Hero! There was… a lot of traffic on my way here” (Y/N) said as she offered the cookie a smile, taking a seat in front of him.

“Oh there you are! It’s fine. Did you have any problems with the paparazzi?” 

“Yeah. But don’t worry, I managed to escape without being seen” she said with a small chuckle, earning one from Hero.

“That’s good. You must be hungry then, want the usual?”

“Sounds good! Let me give you the coins real quick…” the cookie said as she moved to grab her coin purse, only to be stopped by a hand.

“My treat. You had a long day and you are always inviting me”

“Hero you don’t…”

“I insist, just wait here alright?” he said with a small smile, a faint blush on his face.

She couldn’t say no to that face.

(Y/N) smiled softly as she watched Hero order the food.

They met each other completely by accident just a year ago, in the same place they were right now.

She had escaped the set to grab her favourite sandwich and, in the rush, accidentally took his order.

The cookie chuckled internally as she remembered his face that day. The famous (Y/N) handing him over his sandwich just like a casual day.

And, after that, the place just became their usual meeting spot.

It was nice and relaxing. Being able to talk to someone without worrying about the whole celebrity thing.

And, if she was honest with herself, she had gotten used to hearing him talk about his most recent inventions and future plans. 

Seeing him talk so passionately just made her happy, butterflies on her stomach every time.

“Here you go” Hero said, snapping her out of her thoughts as he offered her the food tray.

“Thanks, Hero” she said as she carefully took it, hands brushing for a second.

She wondered for a moment what would be like to hold his hand.

“N-no problem!” he replied softly, blush increasing on his face.

“Cute” she thought with a smile as Hero sat back on his spot, his own food in front of him.

“Now tell me, any progress with that invention you talked about last week?”

“Oh yes! I was able to stabilize…”

(Y/N) listened to him as she ate her food, a smile on her face as the butterflies returned.

She couldn’t help it, he just looked too cute in her eyes.

And, as always, time passed too quickly for her own taste, and she soon saw she had to go back to the set.

Didn’t want producers to find out she was going out after all.

“It has been great as always Hero, but I should get going now” she said with a small sigh, earning a small smile from him.

“Is okay. Same time next week?”

She wondered for a moment. It’s not like it sounded bad but… she really wanted to spend more time with him soon.

“Mhm… how about this” she said softly, bringing out a pen and quickly writing something in one of the tissues.

“Oh? What’s this?” Hero wondered as she offered the tissue to him with a soft smile.

“That’s my phone number and one of my favourite coffee shops in town. Tomorrow there?”

“O-oh, sure!” Hero said, blush increasing on his face.

“It’s a date then”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now