words hurt | s. crosby

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Summary: Sidney had been lying to his girlfriend in order to protect her feelings, but once she over hears him talking with his friends. The secrets come out.

Requested: Yes

From Prompt List: 6 + 7

Sidney swore on his life that he would protect his girl no matter what. He would do whatever was required of him just to ensure that she could always keep that sweet innocent smile on her face. She was his light in the darkest times and his rock when he started to become overwhelmed with his life. Y/N had been perfect. She had been everything he wanted and more, which is why he didn't tell her that people were starting to second guess his relationship with her.

It was no secret that Y/N didn't look like the particular WAGS. She was always herself and people didn't exactly like that. They thought Hockey players wives should fit the perfect mold of what to wear and what size their bodies should be, but Y/N always brushed it to the side. She had told Sidney once that she wasn't living for the paparazzi or him. The woman was living her life for her, she was wearing what she wanted, eating as much as she wanted and having a damn good time doing it.

She looked amazing too- so there was no reason for anyone to try and change her. If she was doing something stupid like causing herself to get sick then she would understand the concern. But if they just wanted her to change her appearance to suit an image then screw it- she would do what she wanted and that was it.

When Sidney's friends started to mention that Y/N should change her clothes a bit and start dressing up more when they all went out. The hockey player couldn't help but agree. He thought Y/N looked stunning no matter what, but sometimes the places they went to had a specific dress code- and jeans and a blouse didn't always suit that.

It started with Sidney causally buying her gifts here and there. A few dresses and some heels. He always loved to spoil his girl even if she hated it. Money was not something she had grown up around, so when Sidney tried to spend money on her, she always got uncomfortable and made him stop- In her mind, money was something that needed to be saved and put away in case something were to go totally wrong.

That didn't stop him though.

Sidney had bought her various skirts and heels and fancy pairs of jeans. Everything was name brand and carried a heft price tag. Not that Y/N knew that. Sidney had ripped off the price tags and "accidentally" thrown away the receipts so that nothing could be returned.

The clothing was an easy thing to fix. Y/N only had to wear the fancy clothes when they went out to fancy places and his friends were around. But when they started commenting about her going to the gym- he grew angry. He thought his girl was absolutely perfect, her body was amazing and he loved it. She loved it! No one else should care!

When his friends claimed that it was to make her less of a couch potato, Sidney caved in. In all honesty, he wanted to go do active things- but Y/N just wasn't up for that all the time. She didn't have the endurance of a professional athlete. But slowly over time- her boyfriend had started to convince her to start going for runs with him I the mornings, or joining the other WAGs for spin classes and yoga.

It was actually really fun, but it wasn't something that Y/N wanted to do every single day.

Three months had passed before Y/N finally started to notice that something was up with Sidney. When the clothes were coming in more often and he was encouraging her to go workout more and post pictures of them at healthy restaurants, it hurt her feelings and she knew that something was up.

But she refused to bring it up. Sidney and her's relationship was great. They had a beautiful thing going and after being together for so long, she didn't want to risk losing it. So she put up with the extra gifts and the slightly hurtful remarks.

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