perfect | a. matthews

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Summary: When their valentines day's plans get cancelled last minute, Auston can't help but feel guilty towards his girlfriend. What better way to make it up then spend a night at home? Face masks, win and cuddles ensue.

Requested: Yes

When Auston had mentioned making plans for Valentine's Day, Y/N was all for it. The plan was to go out for dinner and have a couple drinks, come home then get laid. It was the perfect date in Auston's opinion. But when he got the word that he had to do some press interviews with TSN, he knew he would have to cancel.

While she was disappointed, Y/N understood that this was his job and that he had other obligations. She had known that going into a relationship with him.

Thats what lead them to tonight, a bottle of wine chilling in the freezer- the fireplace on and radiating heat through the apartment. The two of them were both in their sweatpants and hoodies, ready to enjoy their company and have an early valentines day before they have to go their separate ways for about a week.

With the fire crackling, Y/N was scrolling through the takeout app she had downloaded on her phone. She was in the mood for something salty but also sweet- "Why don't we order Chinese and then we can order ice cream after?" She suggested, letting her head fall to the side of the couch, her legs were draped over Auston's lap- the man currently trying to convince himself to shave his moustache.

Y/N had wanted to do some skin care and face masks while they waited for food, and while Auston knew he didn't have to shave- he was aware how much she liked seeing him with a baby face. Not to mention he didn't really care for washing the soaps and masks out of his hair.

At the mention of Chinese food, the man nodded. "That sounds good-" this was the one day that he was allowing himself to pig out a little. Hockey players had to be very consistent with their diets in order to have a healthy body and keep up with their fitness regime. So even though the takeout sounded promising, Y/N knew he would try to make it as healthy as possible.

They sat on the couch for a good ten minutes, going through their orders and ensuring that they had enough cash on them to split the bill. Auston offered to pay, but When Y/N protested- he wasn't going to put up much of a fight. He would rather just spend the night together without any arguments, even if they were playful and with good intentions.

Once the order had been placed, Y/N made her way to the kitchen- cracking open the bottle of wine and pouring two glasses. She brought the facemarks in and hummed. She got a sheet mask for Auston so that the clean up would be easier, but she wanted to give this new pink rose masks a try that she bought at lush. Pink was her favourite colour and she loved the smell of roses- the various vases that Auston had bought her laying around the apartment being evidence.

They were half way through their second glasses by the time the food arrived- Auston chuckling as he watched his beautiful girlfriend walk to the front door. Her face was covered in a pink mud and her hair was in a messy bun- body adorned in an old hoodie and giant sweatpants that both belonged to him.

It was adorable and he couldn't help but laugh as she opened the door bravely. The delivery man snickering at her appearance. After she paid and brought the food inside- the girl rolled her eyes at him playfully. "You're such a child. It wasn't even that awkward." She clicked her tongue before sitting down and serpsrating their food.

She passed him his mixture of veggies, chicken and noodles- taking out a pair of chopped sticks and digging into her own honey garlic pork and rice. They had a few spring rolls as well and some containers of Chopped suey. It was really delicious and by the time they were finished eating, it was time to take of their masks and go clean up.

Deciding to opt for a shared shower, the two of them stripped down- staying rather close as they stepped under the water. A series of messy kisses and giggled flooded the bathroom as the two of them became increasingly clingy. "Im sorry we can't spend valentines day together babe." Austin mumbled against her shoulder.

Shrugging it off, Y/N turned and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. "Its okay- I get it... That just means you'll have to really make it up to me tonight." She smirked, standing on her tiptoes and kissing his lips. All through the night the two of them had barely been apart- they always had their hands against each other and were going their best to control themselves.

"I think that can be arranged." Auston hummed, his hand roaming her body.

Even though they didn't get the perfect stereotypical date on the 14th, They got to spend a night in private- just loving on each other and making use of the time.

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