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Alaska sat awkwardly in her car, listening to the sound of Hawk and Moons lips smack against each other. She'd offered Moon a ride home after Eli requested she take him home instead of having his parents pick him up. Not wanting to make Moon feel like Alaska was a threat to their relationship, she offered her one as well.
Though she hadn't expected him to get out of the car with her, leaving the door wide open, and make out with her for four minutes exactly now.
Alaksa drummed her thumbs on her steering wheel, picking at her bandaids that were on the inside of her elbows. Carmen had texted her every few minutes, checking in to make sure she was doing okay. Alaska figured sooner or later she'd start to feel bad again, start to feel withdraws like she had this morning. The tournament distracted her well enough, and from what she knew, the worst part was over.
Alaska leaned down to get a look of Hawk and Moon, watching their lips clash as he held her face. Alaska rolled her eyes, pushing her hand down on the horn as Moon let out a shriek. Eli leaned down to look at her with a raise of his eyebrows, the girl shrugged, "Sorry, my hand slipped."
Moon leaned down to look at her with a smile, "Thanks for the ride home."
"Sleep well, Moon." Alaska said to the girl with a smile, giving a wave as Moon smiled, wishing her good byes to Hawk, before walking inside her large home. Eli pulled himself into the passagers seat, shutting the door as the lights inside went out. The small bit of lights from the radio was all the pair had, Alaska put her car in drive and slowly made her way out of Moons neighborhood.
"What are you gonna do everyday without practice?" Eli finally spoke up, Alaska sighed in relief as he did.
"Sensei said I can come in and help with taxes and all that, as long as I don't participate for another two weeks." Alaska nodded her head, swallowing with a slightly clear of her throat. They'd never had to force conversation before, never felt like this. Alaska felt weird, she didn't know why it felt so wrong and weird all of a sudden, but it did. Eli felt as he always did around her, yet something was off, like she'd been able to sense it on him.
"Two weeks will go by fast." he said, looking out the window, staring at the street lights as they passed, "Then you can kick some ass."
Alaska cracked a grin as she stopped at the light, adjusting in her seat, "Hopefully he's serious about letting me back on."
"He was." Hawk said, looking over at her in the darkness, "As long as you don't..."
He trailed off, almost like he was scared to say it in a way. Alaska glanced in the corner of her eye, hinting at she understood what he meant.
"What happens now?" he asked as she hummed in questioning, "If the worst of it is over."