𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱

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When Terry got home, he wasn't sure why his alarm system was going off so bad

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When Terry got home, he wasn't sure why his alarm system was going off so bad.

When he finally did manage to shut it off and shut his doors, that's when he'd noticed the broken window in the living room. To him, it was thrilling to have someone break into his house. Especially when he had an idea who it might be. "Johnny Lawrence?"

"Sorry to disappoint." a voice from behind took him off guard, turning to see Alaska Lee standing in the middle of his dark kitchen. "Hope you don't mind the window. I don't have a key."

He flipped on the light and smiled at her. "Maybe I should get you one made, so we'll stop meeting in such horrible circumstances."

"I saw your sword collection." her eyebrows rose in just the slightly as she spoke of them. "At first, I was just coming to visit, but then I got to thinking about something."

"Sure." Terry narrowed his eyes, he saw so much in her. She was such a good fighter, in more ways then one. She's who he wanted to be the face of his dojo, hurting her was just revenge for not getting it sooner. "Do tell?"

"Silver." Alaska nodded her head. "Terence, not Terry. Right?"

He smiled. "Your mother pieced it together?"

"My Mother doesn't know." she stopped him. "You did lessons, with the swords, years ago in the Valley. But, you weren't going by Terry then, you had your students call you Terence."

"You're a smart one, you know that?" he leaned against the counter. "Smarter then your mother ever was. That's for-"

"If you ever-" her voice was calm, but she walked forward slowly. "-talk about my Mom to my face again, I'll-"

"You'll what?" he cut her off. "What is it you think you could do to me?"

"You know what I find funny." a small laugh left Alaskas lips. "How you trained my mother when she was just a child, yet still question her ability. She learned from the best, didn't she? Or do you question your own skill?"

"I could never. Gina was an amazing student." Terry narrowed his eyes, they both leaned on opposite sides of the counter to test each other, right on the same eye level. "Such a shame how your grandparents kicked her out after that pregnancy. It's a shame that-"

She slapped him. Terry laughed as his face turned to the side. "-her son ended up a loser."

"Don't talk about my Mom." she put her hands back before her. "You know, the way you framed me at the All Valley hurt, real bad. But what makes me even more disappointed is that you out of everyone else are the one that did it."

"Why do you say that?" he noticed the knife from his counter was missing.

"Because you know what an addiction can do to someone." this time, her eyes gave a flash of hurt. Alaska sat up more to return to her blank stare. "Yet you picked my one-fucking-year anniversary to destroy me with."

𝐂𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘| Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now