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Johnny grinned. "You passed."
"Alaska!" Gina was shaking her when when Johnny said it. "Baby! I'm so proud of you!"
Alaska wanted to celebrate, but she ended up sobbing in her dads arm as he held her tightly. "Hey, hey. Stop those tears, darling. One year sober, we're so proud of you."
"Come here to me, Antartica." Johnny yanked Alaska away from Zane, lifting her from the ground with a shake. "No crying in this dojo."
She had to laugh through her cries. "It's a warehouse."
"I'm so proud of you." he squeezed her tightly. "Don't tell anyone I said it."
Alaska didn't want to talk, she just wanted to cry. And the three let her, group hugging at the warehouse. Gina kissed her forehead. Johnny cleared his throat. "Let's go kick ass at that All Valley."
Alaska nodded, whipping her face. "Let's do it."
"I'm freakin out!" Devon announced in the hallway, kicking her feet around. "I'm gonna go crazy!"
"Me too." Alaska paced, her heart thumping. "Oh my god, oh my god."
"Alaska, chill." Miguel laughed as he latched onto her shoulders, making her look at him. "It's not so scary when you get out there."
"Tell that to my heart Miguel." Alaska pointed at her thumping heart. "Go ahead, she's listening!"
"Tell that to my breakfast I just got rid of." Wyatt gagged as he came from the bathroom. "I need a mint."
"I've got one!" a new voice called, the four looking down the hallway to see a familiar duo walking in. Alaska hadn't seen Demetri or Eli at all today, and having them infront of her now finally felt like a wave of calmness. "Al, I broke up with Yasmine, so get your sober behind over here and hug me!"
"Demetri, shh." she laughed, running their way as the pair caught her in their arms. Wyatt had to gush slightly at the trio, his trio.
"We're so proud of you." Eli leaned to the side to plant a kiss on her head. "I'm so proud of you."
"It's true, he was crying all morning when G texted the results." Demetri pulled back, kissing Alaska on the forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too." she smiled up at him, and the announcer inside made it clear dojo names were about to be called. "You guys need to go to Daniel, i'll see you out there."
Demetri looked to Wyatt, hesitantly before walking his way. Eli and Alaska turned, watching Demetri hand a mint to him. "Eat this so I can kiss you after this."
Wyatt flushed in the face, nodding, taking the mint.
"Hey." Eli pulled Alaskas face to look at him, burning red with a smile. "You have no clue how happy I am for you."