part 56

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I tried to calm adrien down but it didn't work so I went to the hall I checked his diaper and he pooped so I had to go to the bathroom I got a diaper and speed walked to the bathroom. I tried to change his diaper fast so I could get out before ag came out the stall. She came out and made a comment under her breath and luna barked ar her.

A: what?

Ag: I said make that stupid baby shut the fuck up.

Luna tried to go toward her and I grabbed the handle on her harness.

Ag: so you cant controll your baby or dog.

A: evidently you cant control yourself so what does it matter.

Ag: you cant either.

A: I was fucked up and variable my mom almost died. What the fuck is your excuse.

Ag: fuck off whore.

She walked out and I finished changing adrian's diaper and the bell rang I went back to my class and got Adrian's bottle. I met laila at at her locker.

L: how was first period?

A: great.

L: what happened.

A: fucking ag is in it and she went to the bathroom but adrien pooped so I had to go to the bathroom and she came out and said "make that stupid baby shut the fuck up" and then luna got up and barked at her and she said "so you cant control your baby or dog" and we started arguing over the break uo and she called me a stupid fucking whore and left.

L: sorry I hope you have no more classes with her.

A: alright ill see you later.

My third and fifth period went by good on the way to seventh period I saw ag fighting someone. I just kept walking and met laila in class after the first thirty minutes the teacher was done talking so laila talked to her and we went out to the car to feed the babys cause they were getting cranky. We went to the store and got some baby food.

They ate there food and some cereal we changed there diapers amd made them bottles and then we went back to class. The first person I saw when we walked in was ag. Laila put her hand on my shoulder.

L: just ignore her and go back to our seats.

A: yeah.

L: what are you doing later

A: well I was gonna go to the hide out and fix some more stuff up but after that ill probably go home and see my mom.

L: ok ill come to the hide out can you drop me off after?

A: of course.

The bell rang and we left. I feel bad for lying about going home to see my mom but I promised billie I wouldn't tell anyone. We got some mcdonalds and went to the hide out.

L: so what are you fixing?

A: come downstairs with me.

L: what am I looking at?

A: look in the bathroom see how far the wall goes back?

L: yeah so?

A: this wall is hollow meaning there is probably a room behind it.... So im gonna break the wall.


A: okay okay calm down. Get the babys and we will put them down for a nap and then we cam start.

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