part 23

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I went to a near by gas station and got a bunch of snacks. I also got some treats for luna and the cats i went to the hide out and i was really mad so i took my lock off my door and put it on the front door so they couldn't get in. I brought all the cats to my car and made a little set-up for them in the back i went back in and packed up some of the clothes i had.

I remembered that ag could easily pick the lock so i did the two chain locks to and jumped out the window like a crazy person cause why not.

I texted my mom and told her if anyone shows up to the house and asks if im there to tell them i went on a road trip. I told my mom what i was doing and then waited till school ended so i could go meet with the principle again.

At 3:30 i went to my school and i left the car running but locked the door cause when i came back luna could unlock it.
I talked to him about getting my work for the rest of the week and told him i would be back next monday. He emailed all my teachers and got all my work printed and i thanked him then left.

It was a 9 hour drive but i drove all the way to north carolina. I had a cousin there she was twenty-four and she would understand the whole thing she will also be very happy to see luna and my surprise of eight kittens.

I got there around 1:00 a.m..


J: hey what are you doing here.

A: surprise. Well i got really mad at school today cause i had to explain to my whole grade level that i wasn't pregnant and i actually have leukemia.

J: pregnant?

A: rumors.

J: ohh i feel like that isn't the only reason.

A: yeah my three friends were at school the whole time and didn't bother telling me.

J: maybe they didn't know when to tell you.

A:i was out of school for a month and asked them what happened at school everyday. Actually now that i think of it they never even really told me they just changed the subject.

J: ok well come in.

A: i cant i have another surprise.

I walked to the car and opened the door luna jumped out and ran up to julie.

J: oh my gosh i didn't know you had luna.

A: yeah aunt kelly gave her to me when i fell and had to stay with her.

J: ok well lets get you guys inside its cold out here.

A: one more surprise and then we can go inside.

I walked back to the car and called her over i handed her one kitten and she was very excited cause she loves animals i handed her three more and then i grabbed four cause i made the mistake of not bringing something to carry them in.

J: there so cute but why do you have eight.

A: well its a long story and don't say anything to mom cause she doesn't know about them.

J: my lips are sealed. what are your plans?

A: i was thinking of going to mingo falls cause it has a long trail and stuff and i can bring luna.

J: ok i will probably be gone by the time you get up cause i have to go to my base but just text me.

A: ok. Goodnight.

I got my laptop out and watched gilmore girls till two then i helped smudge up on the bed and fell asleep.

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