part 2

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The hide out^^^^

I swept up all the floors with an old broom i found and wiped down all the counters, tables, some spots on the walls, etc.

I was pretty tired so i went back home and scrolled threw tik tok for a while i found a video of these 3 girls and i followed all 3 of them there names were mia gabbie and anna grace but apparently she goes by ag they were all lesbians.

After a while i went down stairs to find my mom when i did she said im signed up for a new school and i start next month when summer is over. I got pissed off cause i wanted to do online school so i went back upstairs in my room and started to clean up and decorate a little more and also hang up my led lights.

I ordered some uber eats and just got some dunkin cause i wanted coffee even tho it was 7:00 p.m. i also saw that when i went to get my dunkin a had a package. I oped it up and it was my pride flag so i hung it up then went on snap and texted the plug for 2.5 grams and a pina colada and fruit punch puff then walked down the road to meet him.

After a while i decided that i was in a huge house but still only know how to get from my room to the kitchen and front door so i started to kind of explore.

I found 4 empty rooms and 3 guest rooms and then i found another but it looked to be someones room that hasn't been touched in a while but still had all there stuff in it. Then i found a beautiful sun room that looked over a huge backyard with flowers in it.

I wend down another hall that split 4 ways the way i came from left right and then strait forward in front of me i went left cause it was a dead end with 2 doors so i opened the first one and i was a huge  library and the other one door was locked but i want to know what was behind it cause every single other door was unlocked...

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