Chapter 63 - Apologies and Hesitant Hands

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"Loki?" you call out, taking a hesitant step forward, the rustling of leaves around your feet painfully loud in the quiet, oppressive darkness.

"Loki, please," you whimper. "I'm scared.

Suddenly you can feel its eyes on you. It's watching. It knows you're here. 

In a panic you take off, running towards the light in the distance when suddenly the ground opens wide. You can't stop yourself before falling through. You land in a bright, white room.

"Loki?" you say, chest heaving as in the distance you see a figure laying still on the ground, raven hair covering an unknown face. "Oh god," you whimper, scrambling towards the body.

Dropping to your knees, you push back the dark locks hair to find Loki's ashen face, blood seeping from his eyes.

"NO!" you scream. "NO PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP!"

Suddenly a hand grabs your wrist in a tight grasp. You look down in horror as Loki's pale, frosted eyes stare back at you, and his lips begin to move.


"No!" you scream, pulling away as a sadistic grin crawls across Loki's dead, crumbling face.


"Lady Y/n! Are you all right?"

You're woken by Thor's warm hands on both of your shoulders, shaking you slightly. As you open your eyes, you panic in the dark and thrash for a moment until you recognize Thor's scent, and relax into his arms as he pulls you in tightly, tears streaming down your face.

"Sister, what has happened to you?" he says, concerned. 

It takes you a moment to calm down, but once your tears have run dry and your breathing returns to normal, you push Thor away enough to see his face in the moonlight.

"I'm sorry, Thor I...I had a nightmare," you say. 

"Well, you are safe here, my lady," Thor says softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you to him. 

You find comfort in his arms as your heart beat slows. But you find yourself wishing it was Loki that was holding you. Your brow furrows and a deep, searing throb of anger and sadness twists your heart like a string of taffy.

"I need some air," you say, rising from Thor's grasp. You grab your golden ribbon from the nightstand and tie back your messy hair. Grabbing one of Loki's cloaks from the wardrobe, you sling it around the shoulders of your long white nightgown. 

"At this time of night, my lady, I will accompany you," says Thor.

"I'm fine," you say crossly, growing agitated. 

"Many a trifle happens at eve, sister," he says gently. "Please, let me at least follow at a distance."

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