Chapter 81 - Soulmates

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Once more humming that soft melody in that familiar minor key, you trace your fingers over the lines in Loki's hand as you sit silently by his side. A single tear falls from your cheeks onto his palm as you trace his love lines with your finger.

It had taken you only a moment to consider whether or not you would undergo the "andafórn", as Herkja had called it. And the only reason you hesitated at all was because of Anthony.

If it works, you'll save Loki's life and Anthony will have his father. 

His father who will live for the next several thousand years. 

His father who understands his Jötunn blood. 

His father who loves him unconditionally. 

If it doesn't, he'll lose both of you. But that won't mean he'll be alone. 

He'll have Tony. And Pepper. And Steve. And Thor. He'll have a whole family. One that loves him, protects him, and provides for him. And even the slightest chance of being able to save Loki for the sake of your son is worth the risk.

But you know that if it does work, Loki will be devastated. Inconsolable. He'll become withdrawn and volatile. 

But he'll have his son. 

Once you made your decision, you asked to see him one last time, and Herkja left to retrieve him from across the palace. Frigga and Odin had then allowed you a few precious moments alone with Loki. 

The last ones you will have. 

"I'm sorry, Lo," you whisper after a quiet moment, holding his hand. "If there was any other way...but there's not. And our son needs you."

You take a shaky breath. Even if he isn't awake, part of you knows he can hear you. 

"You need to know that this is my choice, Lo. Mine. And I need you...," the voice you had been keeping so strong finally breaks. "I need you to let me go."

You take another breath, barely holding yourself together as you lean forward and place a final, gentle kiss on Loki's lips - cold and unmoving - before resting your forehead gently on his, whispering quietly.

"I love you, Loki Laufeyson. And I make this choice gladly."


Thor's voice bellows down the hallway from outside the healing ward. You turn in time to see Thor push past his mother standing in the archway and charge straight for you, a slight wheezing still in his voice. Clearly he has not yet been healed.

"Thor...please...," you say weakly. You had hoped to do this before he returned. This is one goodbye you just can't bear to make.

"ARE YOU MAD?!" he shouts, grabbing your shoulders as he reaches you. Between his shallow gasps, a desperate panic in his voice matches the fear in his eyes. "You cannot do this, Y/n. The andafórn will kill you!"

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